patchName[i] = patchName[i].replace(regex1, '<');
patchName[i] = patchName[i].replace(regex2, '>');
// Fpatchname = The entire Patch name consisting of seven letters
Fpatchname = patchName[0] + patchName[1] + patchName[2] + patchName[3] + patchName[4] + patchName[5] + patchName[6];
// screenLine = "
" + " 1 / " + (i+1) + " combo = " + combo + " lower = " + lower + " upper = " + upper + " newcombo = " + Fpatchname;
kiNew = ki + 1;
// Format the screen output so everything is aligned in straight columns
if (ki > 8) {kiSpacer = "";}
if (name == 01) {bankNum = 2;}
// Gather all 48 Bank numbers and Patch names and name the string "screenLine"
// bankNum = Voice Bank Number as determined by the seventh byte in the MIDI SysEx file. This can be either HEX 00 or HEX 01. This is changed to DECIMAL 1 -or- DECIMAL 2
// ki and kiSpacer = Screen formatting strings to ensure the columns line up straight
screenLine += "
" + " " + bankNum + " / " + (ki+1) + kiSpacer + " " + Fpatchname;
// Increment the number of bytes in the SysEx file to find the next Patch name occurrence
onethirtyone = onethirtyone + 131;
// Print all 48 Bank numbers and Patch names
} else
alert("Failed to load file");
document.getElementById('myFile').addEventListener('change', readSingleFile, false);