midiguitar.net - All kinds of MIDI guitar stuff
Roland Replacement Parts - Keys, PCB's, Benders and more at keyboardkountry.com
synfo.nl - The highest quality FREE Service Manuals in PDF on the Internet. Gigantic collection for many synthesizers
midimanuals.com - 70+ Manufacturers for synthesizers and devices. Almost every FREE Owner's Manual on the Internet is here
supersynthprojects.com - Interesting projects for music synthesizers and anything else electronic or embedded software related
Internal Battery And Reset Resource - Images and instructions for several synths and effects devices
Jim Atwood in Japan - Always interesting info about Roland gear mods, repairs, tips & tricks
Making Music Off-The-Grid - Advantages and disadvantages of an Off-The-Grid Home Recording Studio
Synths and Keyboards - A useful and informative site with info about repairing and maintaining vintage Roland gear
Music Gear Display Retrofits - There are several ongoing discussions about the D‑110 and other synth/sampler LCD/OLED upgrades/replacements at Facebook
Tagboard Effects - Guitar FX Layouts - Nothing GR-1 related but too freakin' cool to pass up if you are handy with a soldering iron. I'm hooked on building these and saving HUGE amounts of cash. Nearly 1000 projects and growing every year, this site has quality DIY guitar effects pedal schematics and plans... you build everything from scratch. I buy all my raw materials from online electronic parts dealers like taydaelectronics.com and mouser.com
Other Websites I Maintain - MKS‑50, Alpha Juno‑1, Alpha Juno‑2, S‑550, S‑50, S‑330, W‑30, U‑20, U‑110, U‑220, GR‑1, D‑110, HS‑10, HS‑80, FB‑01
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