S‑50 / S‑550 / S‑330 / W‑30 Disk Image Reader v1.7 Release Notes ![]() All images, text, JavaScript and HTML Code ©1995- by llamamusic.com This web browser utility reads S‑50 / S‑550 / S‑330 and W‑30 disk image files (*.OUT, *.IMG, *.ISO, *.S50, *.S33, *.W30) from a computer, smartphone, tablet, USB flash drive, SD card or MicroSD card. Floppy disk image files will display: • Individual Sample Lengths And Wave Bank Locations • Sub Tones And Corresponding Original Tone Numbers • Audio Output Jack Assignments (S-550, S-330 And W-30) • Unused Sample Space Remaining On The Disk • Recorded Sample Frequency Rates • Patch Listing P1 To P8 (S-50) P1 To P16 (S-550 And W-30) P11 To P48 (S-330) • Tone Listing I11 To I48 • Disk Label 12 x 5 Character Block • O/S Info S-50 Ver. 1.00 To Ver. 2.02 S-550 Ver. 1.01 To Ver. 1.15 S-330 Ver. 1.00 To Ver. 1.03 W-30 Ver. 1.02 To Ver. 1.10 LEGEND OUT JACK = Output Jack Assignments (1 To 8, T = Tone) TIME = Sample time in seconds (ST## = Subtone Number) kHz = Recorded Sample Frequency (15kHz Or 30kHz) W = Wave Bank Where The Sample Is Stored (A Or B) |
Note: 80MB Hard Drive, ZIP Drive, CD-ROM, SCSI2SD and ZuluSCSI files display as a long list of floppy disks contained within (i.e. HD Area I & II (S‑550) or HD Area (W‑30)
PREREQUISITES ✓ No software to install ✓ All you need is a web browser* ✓ Javascript must be turned on in your web browser (It's usually turned on by default) VERIFIED WEB BROWSERS AND O/S
If you find this program useful, please consider donating a small amount. All donations are used for future DIY synth development. Thanks!
Scroll down to Choose File or View an S-50 / S-550 / S-330 / W-30 Disk Image File (*.OUT, *.IMG, *.ISO, *.S50, *.S33, *.W30)