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FACTORY PRESETS (SysEx Bulk Dump File *.SYX)

If your U-20 was initialized or had the battery replaced, all of the internal sounds will disappear, garbage characters will appear on the LCD display and the synthesizer will no will no longer produce sounds. This *.SYX file is needed to restore the U-20 back to it's original state of "Factory Fresh". Loading instructions are included in the *.ZIP file
Download File:  U-20_Factory_Presets.zip
Programmer:     ROLAND
Description:    U-20 Original Factory Presets (64 Patches / 128 Timbres)

   I-11  Acoust Piano   I-12  Chorus Piano   I-13  E.Piano        I-14  Bright EP      I-15  Vibraphone     I-16  Marimba        I-17  Bell           I-18  Fanta Bell  
   I-21  A.Guitar       I-22  E.Guitar       I-23  Heavy Guitar   I-24  E.Organ 1      I-25  E.Organ 3      I-26  E.Organ 7      I-27  E.Organ 9      I-28  Mad Organ   
   I-31  Strings        I-32  Syn.Strings    I-33  JP8.Strings    I-34  Choir          I-35  Syn.Vox 1      I-36  Syn.Vox 2      I-37  Syn.Choir 1    I-38  Syn.Choir 2 
   I-41  Slap Bass      I-42  FlangingSlap   I-43  FingeredBass   I-44  FretlessBass   I-45  Acoust Bass    I-46  Synth Bass 5   I-47  Synth Bass 6   I-48  Synth Bass 7
   I-51  Soft Trumpet   I-52  Tromborn       I-53  BrassSection   I-54  Saxophone      I-55  JP8.Brass      I-56  Power Brass    I-57  Flute          I-58  Shakuhachi  
   I-61  Fantasia       I-62  Calliope       I-63  Soundtrack     I-64  Atmosphere     I-65  Future Pad     I-66  Pomona         I-67  Melodigan      I-68  Photogene   
   I-71  Endymion       I-72  Prelusion      I-73  Jupiters       I-74  Selene         I-75  Sacred Tree    I-76  Macho Lead     I-77  Lunar Lead     I-78  HarmonicLead
   I-81  Native Dance   I-82  Percs Hit      I-83  Velo Combi     I-84  Split Combi    I-85  Rotor Craft    I-86  Emergency      I-87  Deepsea        I-88  Catastrophe 

   A-11  A.Piano 2      A-12  A.Piano 4      A-13  A.Piano 10     A-14  E.Piano 1      A-15  E.Piano 5      A-16  Bright EP      A-17  Vib 1          A-18  Marimba     
   A-21  Bell           A-22  Fanta Bell     A-23  A.Guitar 1     A-24  E.Guitar 1     A-25  Heavy Guitar   A-26  E.Organ 1      A-27  E.Organ 3      A-28  E.Organ 5   
   A-31  E.Organ 7      A-32  E.Organ 9      A-33  R.Organ 2      A-34  Strings 1      A-35  Strings 3      A-36  String Pad 2   A-37  JP.Strings     A-38  Choir 1     
   A-41  Choir 3        A-42  Syn.Vox 1      A-43  Syn.Vox 2      A-44  Syn.Choir      A-45  Syn.Choir 2    A-46  Slap 1         A-47  Slap 7         A-48  Fingered 1  
   A-51  Picked 1       A-52  Fretless 2     A-53  Ac.Bass        A-54  Syn.Bass 4     A-55  Syn.Bass 5     A-56  Syn.Bass 6     A-57  Syn.Bass 7     A-58  Soft TP 1   
   A-61  TP / TRB 1     A-62  Brass 1        A-63  Sax 1          A-64  Synth Brs 1    A-65  Synth Brs 2    A-66  PowerBrass 1   A-67  PowerBrass 2   A-68  JP.Brass 2  
   A-71  Flute 1        A-72  Shaku 1        A-73  Bell Pad       A-74  Breath Vox     A-75  Pizzagogo      A-76  Spect Bell     A-77  Bell Drum      A-78  Synth Harp  
   A-81  Pulse Wave 1   A-82  Pulse Wave 2   A-83  Pulse Wave 3   A-84  Saw Wave 1     A-85  Saw Wave 2     A-86  Metal          A-87  SingingPiano   A-88  Syn.Marimba 
   B-11  Fantasia       B-12  Calliope 1     B-13  Calliope 2     B-14  Soundtrack 1   B-15  Soundtrack 2   B-16  Soundtrack 3   B-17  Atmosphere 1   B-18  Atmosphere 2
   B-21  Future 1       B-22  Future 2       B-23  Pomona 1       B-24  Pomona 2       B-25  Melodigan 1    B-26  Melodigan 2    B-27  Photogene 1    B-28  Photogene 3 
   B-31  Endymion 1     B-32  Endymion 2     B-33  Prelusion 1    B-34  Prelusion 2    B-35  JP8.Brass      B-36  JP8.Strings    B-37  Selene 1       B-38  Selene 2    
   B-41  Sacred 1       B-42  Sacred 2       B-43  Macho 1        B-44  Macho 2        B-45  Lunar 1        B-46  Lunar 2        B-47  Harmonic 1     B-48  Harmonic 2  
   B-51  Harmonic 3     B-52  Native 1       B-53  Native 2       B-54  Native 3       B-55  Native 4       B-56  Native 5       B-57  Percs Hit 1    B-58  Percs Hit 2 
   B-61  Percs Hit 3    B-62  Rotor 1        B-63  Rotor 2        B-64  Rotor 3        B-65  Emergency 1    B-66  Emergency 2    B-67  Emergency 3    B-68  Emergency 4 
   B-71  Emergency 5    B-72  Deep 1         B-73  Deep 2         B-74  Deep 3         B-75  Catastrophe1   B-76  Catastrophe2   B-77  Catastrophe3   B-78  Catastrophe4
   B-81  Catastrophe5   B-82  Pizz           B-83  Breath         B-84  Nails          B-85  Spectrum 1     B-86  Spectrum 2     B-87  N.Dance        B-88  Drums       

a) This bank will also load into a U‑220
b) Duplicate files on the Internet; ALL.SYX / u20.SYX / U20-PRES.TAR / U20_ORIG.MID
c) Complete descriptions of the U‑20 Factory Preset Timbres
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SysEx Bulk Dump File [ *.SYX ]
This 64 Patch set was sourced from a Roland Corporate website sometime around 2008. Loading instructions are included in the *.ZIP file
Download File:  U-20_Alternate_Bank-A.zip
Programmer:     ROLAND
Description:    U-20 Alternate Bank-A (64 Patches / 128 Timbres)

   I-11  StandardSet    I-12  RockDrumSet    I-13  ElecDrumSet    I-14  F.X.DrumSet    I-15  #2LatinSet     I-16  #2F.X.Set      I-17  #2AmbiaJr      I-18  #2Eerie     
   I-21  #2LogDrum      I-22  #2SteelDrum    I-23  #2Barimbau     I-24  #2VeloCuica    I-25  #2AgogoBell    I-26  #2Vibroslap    I-27  #2BellTree     I-28  #2Triangle  
   I-31  V-mxChior      I-32  FluteChimes    I-33  Synthtrack     I-34  StackedLead    I-35  SoloAcouPno    I-36  SoloDualSax    I-37  Fretles/Vibe   I-38  JazzOrg/Bass
   I-41  V-Pno&Strngs   I-42  Bellraphone    I-43  ChurchChior    I-44  MonsterStrng   I-45  SoloHeavyGtr   I-46  SoloTrumpet    I-47  SynBass/Strg   I-48  EP&Vox/Bass 
   I-51  X-swBrassio    I-52  Pianasy        I-53  StrgChoirPad   I-54  MonsterOrch    I-55  SoloStrings    I-56  SoloFlute      I-57  FingBass/Gtr   I-58  Brass/Bass  
   I-61  V-swStrings    I-62  Cliche'LA      I-63  SlowStrVox     I-64  MonsterBrass   I-65  SoloOrgan      I-66  SoloDtuneSax   I-67  Thump/Crunch   I-68  Piano/A.Bass
   I-71  V-mxPlukHarp   I-72  VibroPiano     I-73  EPiano&Strng   I-74  MonsterChoir   I-75  Solo70'sSyn    I-76  SoloJupiter    I-77  BIGbas/Metal   I-78  SplitV-mOrch
   I-81  V-mxVox&EPno   I-82  FantaBellPad   I-83  AnalogString   I-84  Brassy5ths     I-85  Solo12String   I-86  SoloCalliope   I-87  FunkBas/Bras   I-88  MultiPatch  

   A-11  UserTimbre     A-12  UserTimbre     A-13  UserTimbre     A-14  UserTimbre     A-15  UserTimbre     A-16  UserTimbre     A-17  UserTimbre     A-18  UserTimbre  
   A-21  AcouBass   ;   A-22  Fretless2  %   A-23  FingBass2  %   A-24  PickBass2  %   A-25  SlapBass1  .   A-26  SlapBass4  %   A-27  SlapBass5  '   A-28  SlapBass6  '
   A-31  Syn.Bass1  ;   A-32  Syn.Bass2  .   A-33  Syn.Bass3  .   A-34  Syn.Bass4  .   A-35  Syn.Bass5  .   A-36  Syn.Bass6  .   A-37  Syn.Bass7  .   A-38  Syn.Bass8  ;
   A-41  MetalEG1   .   A-42  MetalEG2   %   A-43  E.Guitar1  ;   A-44  E.Guitar4  %   A-45  SynGuitarS %   A-46  A.Guitar1  .   A-47  A.Guitar2  %   A-48  12StringGtr:
   A-51  A.Piano2   ;   A-52  A.Piano3   ;   A-53  A.Piano5   .   A-54  A.Piano6   %   A-55  A.Piano9   .   A-56  A.Piano10  %   A-57  E.Piano1   ;   A-58  E.Piano2   .
   A-61  E.Piano3   %   A-62  BrightEP1  .   A-63  BrightEP2  %   A-64  Marimba    .   A-65  Vibes1     .   A-66  Vibes2     %   A-67  Bell 1     .   A-68  Bell 2     %
   A-71  BellDrum   :   A-72  FantaBell  .   A-73  Fantasia   :   A-74  FantasiaS  :   A-75  Soundtrack .   A-76  BreathyVox .   A-77  SynthHarp  .   A-78  SynthPiano %
   A-81  P.Organ+dt :   A-82  P.Organ-dt :   A-83  R.Organ1   :   A-84  E.Organ2   %   A-85  E.Organ8   %   A-86  E.Organ9   :   A-87  Choir 2    .   A-88  Choir 4    :
   B-11  Choir 1    .   B-12  Choir 3    :   B-13  Syn.Choir1 .   B-14  Syn.ChoirS .   B-15  BreathVox1 :   B-16  BreathVoxS :   B-17  Syn.Vox1   .   B-18  Syn.Vox2   .
   B-21  Strings 1  .   B-22  StringsS2  .   B-23  Strings 3  :   B-24  Strings 4  :   B-25  StringPad1 .   B-26  StringPad2 :   B-27  JP.String1 .   B-28  JP.StringS .
   B-31  Brass 1    .   B-32  Brass S    .   B-33  Brass 5th  .   B-34  Brastring1 :   B-35  JP.Brass+dt.   B-36  JP.Brass-dt.   B-37  JP.Brass1  .   B-38  JP.Brass2  .
   B-41  Tp/Trp 1   .   B-42  Tp/Trp 2   .   B-43  SortTrump1 .   B-44  SortTrump2 :   B-45  Sax 1 -12  .   B-46  Sax 2      :   B-47  Sax 3      :   B-48  Sax 4      %
   B-51  Flute      .   B-52  Shaku 1    .   B-53  Calliope 1 .   B-54  Calliope 2 :   B-55  PizzagogoS :   B-56  MetalSynth :   B-57  SawWave        B-58  PulseWave   
   B-61  #2Triangle .   B-62  #2Belltree .   B-63  #2Vibraslap.   B-64  #2Agogo2   .   B-65  #2Cuica2   '   B-66  #2Berimbau .   B-67  #2SteelDrum.   B-68  #2LogDrum  .
   B-71  #2OrchHit  .   B-72  #2Siren    .   B-73  #2TypeBell .   B-74  #2Pinball  .   B-75  #2Telephone.   B-76  #2SmashGlas.   B-77  #2Eerie    .   B-78  #2AmbiaJr  .
   B-81  #2TempleBlk.   B-82  #2Zing!    .   B-83  #2Boing!   .   B-84  #2Interface.   B-85  #2LatinSet     B-86  #2F.X.Set      B-87  #10RockDrums   B-88  #10ElecDrums

a) This bank will also load into a U‑220
b) Duplicate files on the Internet; U20ALT.MID
c) Some Patches in this set require the PCM Card SN-U110-02 Latin and FX Percussion before they will work (Denoted by a "#2" in the name field)
d) Unconventional characters and numbers were used in the Timbre names (i.e. colon, semicolon, percent symbol, etc...)
U-20 Small Icon


SysEx Bulk Dump File [ *.SYX ]
This 64 Patch set was sourced from a visitor to this U-20 page. Thanks Ricardo!
Download File:  U-20_Alternate_Bank-B.zip
Programmer:     Unknown
Description:    U-20 Alternate Bank-B (64 Patches / 128 Timbres)

   I-11  Grand Piano    I-12  Old Piano      I-13  Chorus Piano   I-14  Punaise        I-15  E.Piano DX     I-16  Bright EP      I-17  Punaise Str♩   I-18  PhazeClavier
   I-21  Bell Pad       I-22  VibraTone      I-23  Vibronic Pad   I-24  Vibraphone     I-25  Fantasia       I-26  Fanta Bell     I-27  Wooden Bell    I-28  Marimba     
   I-31  E.Org 16 8 4   I-32  E.Org7 Perc5   I-33  Eorg9 Leslie   I-34  E.Org5 8'4'    I-35  Eorg3 Leslie   I-36  Brassy         I-37  Jupiters       I-38  Mad Organ   
   I-41  A.Guitar       I-42  Copper Plate   I-43  EGuitar plik   I-44  EGuitar plik   I-45  Saxophone      I-46  Heavy Guitar   I-47  Macho Lead     I-48      Harmonic
   I-51  Cathedral      I-52  Church Reeds   I-53  Choir          I-54  PO Diap 8 4    I-55  PO Recit 8 4   I-56  PO Solid1684   I-57  Choir          I-58  CoupledPipes
   I-61  Violin SMPL*   I-62  Cello SMPL     I-63  Cello SMPL     I-64  SwoopyVoice    I-65  Syn.Solo       I-66  Syn.Vox 2      I-67  Syn.Vox 2      I-68  Syn.Choir 1 
   I-71  Mantovani 4'   I-72  JP8.Strings    I-73  Syn.Strings    I-74  Mild Strings   I-75  Violin SMPL*   I-76  Brassy         I-77  BrassChorus    I-78  Brass Choir 
   I-81  Soft Trumpet   I-82  Trombones      I-83  Saxophone      I-84  Copper Plate   I-85  French Horn    I-86  BrassSection   I-87  JP8.Brass      I-88  Power Brass 

   BANK  TIMBRE         BANK  TIMBRE         BANK  TIMBRE         BANK  TIMBRE         BANK  TIMBRE         BANK  TIMBRE         BANK  TIMBRE         BANK  TIMBRE           
   A-11  A.Piano2 002   A-12  APiano4  004   A-13  APiano10 010   A-14  E.Piano1 001   A-15  E.Piano 5      A-16  BrightEP 017   A-17  Vib 1          A-18  Marimba     
   A-21  Bell           A-22  Fanta Bell     A-23  SOLID1684 73   A-24  DIAPAS84 074   A-25  RECIT84  076   A-26  EOrgan1  073   A-27  EOrgan3  072   A-28  EOrgan5  074
   A-31  EOrgan7  076   A-32  EOrgan9 078    A-33  ROrgan1  079   A-34  Strings1 066   A-35  Strings 3      A-36  StrngPad2109   A-37  JPStrings110   A-38  Choir1   062
   A-41  Choir 3        A-42  SynVox1  099   A-43  SynVox2  100   A-44  SynChoir 097   A-45  SynChoir2012   A-46  Slap 1         A-47  Slap 7         A-48  Fingered 1  
   A-51  Picked 1       A-52  Fretless 2     A-53  Violin 5-01    A-54  Syn.Bass 4     A-55  CelloSMP5-06   A-56  Syn.Bass 6     A-57  Syn.Bass 7     A-58  Soft TP1 081
   A-61  TP/TRB1  083   A-62  Brass 1  091   A-63  Sax 1    087   A-64  SyntBrs1 105   A-65  SyntBrs2 104   A-66  PwrBras1 104   A-67  PwrBras2 104   A-68  JPBrass2 106
   A-71  Flute 1  092   A-72  Shaku 1  093   A-73  Bell Pad       A-74  Breath Vox     A-75  Pizzagogo      A-76  Spect Bell     A-77  Bell Drum      A-78  Synth Harp  
   A-81  Pulse Wave 1   A-82  PulsWav2 117   A-83  Clavi3 4-03    A-84  Saw Wave 1     A-85  Saw Wave 2     A-86  EGrand6 4=06   A-87  SingingPiano   A-88  Syn.Marimba 
   B-11  Fantasia       B-12  Calliop1 102   B-13  Calliop2 125   B-14  Soundtrack 1   B-15  Soundtrack 2   B-16  Soundtrack 3   B-17  Atmospher026   B-18  Atmospher107
   B-21  Future 1       B-22  Future2  082   B-23  Pomona 1       B-24  Pomona 2       B-25  Melodign1126   B-26  Melodign2018   B-27  Photogene105   B-28  Photgen3 012
   B-31  Endymion 1     B-32  Endymion 2     B-33  Prelusion 1    B-34  Prelusion 2    B-35  JP8Brass 105   B-36  JP8Strngs110   B-37  Selene 1       B-38  Selene 2    
   B-41  Sacred 1       B-42  Sacred 2       B-43  Macho 1        B-44  Macho 2        B-45  Lunar 1        B-46  Lunar 2        B-47  Harmonic 1     B-48  Harmonic 2  
   B-51  Harmonic 3     B-52  AcGuitar1 24   B-53  EGuit1   029   B-54  HeavyGuit033   B-55  Native 4       B-56  Native 5       B-57  Percs Hit 1    B-58  Percs Hit 2 
   B-61  Percs Hit 3    B-62  Frenchorn      B-63  Rotor 2        B-64  Rotor 3        B-65  Emergency 1    B-66  Emergency 2    B-67  Emergency 3    B-68  Emergency 4 
   B-71  Emergency 5    B-72  Deep 1         B-73  Deep 2         B-74  Deep 3         B-75  Catastrophe1   B-76  Catastrophe2   B-77  Catastrophe3   B-78  Catastrophe4
   B-81  Catastrophe5   B-82  BreathSax087   B-83  Breath   123   B-84  Nails          B-85  Spectrum 1     B-86  Spectrum 2     B-87  N.Dance        B-88  Drums       

a) This bank will also load into a U‑220
b) Duplicate files on the Internet; Internal Full.syx
c) Unconventional characters and numbers were used in the Timbre names (i.e. colon, semicolon, percent symbol, etc...)
U-20 Small Icon


SysEx Files [ *.SYX ]
A very impressive set of Patches, especially considering they are free. I wish I had the complete set! These are from a company in the mid-1990's, now long gone.
These are individual patches and not a Bulk Dump set. The included description file can explain these better than I can
Download File:  U-20_Demo_Patches.zip
Description:    U-20 Demo Patches (A Set Of 15 High Quality, Commercial-Grade Patches. Very Nice!)

These sounds have been designed for optimum use both on stage and in the studio. You'll find bright, percussive pianos, realistic brass, analog and
digital synth emulations, electric and acoustic guitars, ethereal film scoring sound effects and much more. Also included (in the commercial bank)
are keyboard splits for maximum versatility in the most demanding situations
Attack Synth - Angels - Sound Track #1 - Voice Rhodes - Night Lights - String City - Miles Rhodes

This wide-ranging bank features Patches applicable to a variety of musical applications. Everything from enhanced "meat & potato" sonic staples, to
imaginative synth layers
Judgement Day - 12 String Guitar - TotoBrass - ObxA Horns - PPG - Ghosts - Ice - Ocean

a) These Patches will also load into a U‑220
b) I discovered these on my hard drive but I don't remember the source or when I downloaded them. The timestamp is from the late 1990's
U-220 Small Icon

FACTORY PRESETS (SysEx Bulk Dump File *.SYX)

If your U-220 was initialized or had the battery replaced, all of the internal sounds will disappear, garbage characters will appear on the LCD display and the synthesizer will no will no longer produce sounds. This *.SYX file is needed to restore the U-220 back to it's original state of "Factory Fresh"
Download File:  U220Factory.zip
Programmer:     Roland
Description:    U-220 Factory Presets (64 Patches / 128 Timbres)

   P-01  Acoust Piano   P-02  Chorus Piano   P-03  E.Piano        P-04  Bright EP      P-05  Vibraphone     P-06  Marimba        P-07  Bell           P-08  Fanta Bell  
   P-09  A.Guitar       P-10  E.Guitar       P-11  Heavy Guitar   P-12  E.Organ 1      P-13  E.Organ 3      P-14  E.Organ 7      P-15  E.Organ 9      P-16  Mad Organ   
   P-17  Strings        P-18  Syn.Strings    P-19  JP8.Strings    P-20  Choir          P-21  Syn.Vox 1      P-22  Syn.Vox 2      P-23  Syn.Choir 1    P-24  Syn.Choir 2 
   P-25  FlangingSlap   P-26  FretlessBass   P-27  Synth Bass 7   P-28  SynB/BellPad   P-29  A.Bass/Piano   P-30  SingingPiano   P-31  Splits         P-32  Velo Trumpet
   P-33  Soft Trumpet   P-34  Tromborn       P-35  BrassSection   P-36  Saxophone      P-37  JP8.Brass      P-38  Power Brass    P-39  Flute          P-40  Shakuhachi  
   P-41  Fantasia       P-42  Calliope       P-43  Soundtrack     P-44  Atmosphere     P-45  Future Pad     P-46  Pomona         P-47  Melodigan      P-48  Photogene   
   P-49  Endymion       P-50  Prelusion      P-51  Jupiters       P-52  Selene         P-53  Sacred Tree    P-54  Macho Lead     P-55  Lunar Lead     P-56  HarmonicLead
   P-57  Native Dance   P-58  Percs Hit      P-59  Velo Combi     P-60  Split Combi    P-61  Rotor Craft    P-62  Emergency      P-63  Deepsea        P-64  Catastrophe 

   T-001  A.Piano 2      T-002  A.Piano 4      T-003  A.Piano 10     T-004  E.Piano 1      T-005  E.Piano 5      T-006  Bright EP      T-007  Vib 1          T-008  Marimba     
   T-009  Bell           T-010  Fanta Bell     T-011  A.Guitar 1     T-012  E.Guitar 1     T-013  Heavy Guitar   T-014  E.Organ 1      T-015  E.Organ 3      T-016  E.Organ 5   
   T-017  E.Organ 7      T-018  E.Organ 9      T-019  R.Organ 2      T-020  Strings 1      T-021  Strings 3      T-022  String Pad 2   T-023  JP.Strings     T-024  Choir 1     
   T-025  Choir 3        T-026  Syn.Vox 1      T-027  Syn.Vox 2      T-028  Syn.Choir      T-029  Syn.Choir 2    T-030  Slap 1         T-031  Slap 7         T-032  Fingered 1  
   T-033  Picked 1       T-034  Fretless 2     T-035  Ac.Bass        T-036  Syn.Bass 4     T-037  Syn.Bass 5     T-038  Syn.Bass 6     T-039  Syn.Bass 7     T-040  Soft TP 1   
   T-041  TP / TRB 1     T-042  Brass 1        T-043  Sax 1          T-044  Synth Brs 1    T-045  Synth Brs 2    T-046  PowerBrass 1   T-047  PowerBrass 2   T-048  JP.Brass 2  
   T-049  Flute 1        T-050  Shaku 1        T-051  Bell Pad       T-052  Breath Vox     T-053  Pizzagogo      T-054  Spect Bell     T-055  Bell Drum      T-056  Synth Harp  
   T-057  Pulse Wave 1   T-058  Pulse Wave 2   T-059  Pulse Wave 3   T-060  Saw Wave 1     T-061  Saw Wave 2     T-062  Metal          T-063  SingingPiano   T-064  Syn.Marimba 
   T-065  Fantasia       T-066  Calliope 1     T-067  Calliope 2     T-068  Soundtrack 1   T-069  Soundtrack 2   T-070  Soundtrack 3   T-071  Atmosphere 1   T-072  Atmosphere 2
   T-073  Future 1       T-074  Future 2       T-075  Pomona 1       T-076  Pomona 2       T-077  Melodigan 1    T-078  Melodigan 2    T-079  Photogene 1    T-080  Photogene 2 
   T-081  Endymion 1     T-082  Endymion 2     T-083  Prelusion 1    T-084  Prelusion 2    T-085  JP8.Brass      T-086  JP8.Strings    T-087  Selene 1       T-088  Selene 2    
   T-089  Sacred 1       T-090  Sacred 2       T-091  Macho 1        T-092  Macho 2        T-093  Lunar 1        T-094  Lunar 2        T-095  Harmonic 1     T-096  Harmonic 2  
   T-097  Harmonic 3     T-098  Native 1       T-099  Native 2       T-100  Native 3       T-101  Native 4       T-102  Native 5       T-103  Percs Hit 1    T-104  Percs Hit 2 
   T-105  Percs Hit 3    T-106  Rotor 1        T-107  Rotor 2        T-108  Rotor 3        T-109  Emergency 1    T-110  Emergency 2    T-111  Emergency 3    T-112  Emergency 4 
   T-113  Emergency 5    T-114  Deep 1         T-115  Deep 2         T-116  Deep 3         T-117  Catastrophe1   T-118  Catastrophe2   T-119  Catastrophe3   T-120  Catastrophe4
   T-121  Catastrophe5   T-122  Pizz           T-123  Breath         T-124  Nails          T-125  Spectrum 1     T-126  Spectrum 2     T-127  N.Dance        T-128  Drums       
a) This bank will also load into a U‑20
b) Duplicate files on the Internet; U220ORIG.MID
c) There is a corrupt version with the same name of U220Factory.SYX floating around. The difference is in filesize. A valid U-220 Bulk Dump(All) file is ~33K
d) Complete lists and breakdowns of the U-220 Patches are in the Roland 16-page booklet titled "U-220 Factory Settings - Patch/Timbre/Rhythm Charts"
U-110 Small Icon

FACTORY PRESETS (SysEx Bulk Dump File *.SYX)

Unlike the U-20 and U-220, the U-110 has all of its factory preset Patches hard-coded onto a ROM IC. Whenever you do a three finger salute to reset the U-110, 64 Patches are automatically reloaded into memory and it places the U-110 back to a state of "Factory Fresh". For normal everyday use of the U-110, this SysEx file is not really needed. It is included for anyone who is interested in using it with a U-110 Patch editor and/or program coding purposes
Download File:  U110Factory.zip
Programmer:     Roland
Description:    U-110 Factory Presets

I-11 Ac. Piano     I-21 Detune E. P   I-31 12str A. G    I-41 Fless Bass    I-51 E. Organ      I-61 Detune Sax    I-71 Drums         I-81 Guit>Piano
I-12 Brt Piano     I-22 Hard E. P     I-32 Mute Sw EG    I-42 Ac.Bass       I-52 Double Org1   I-62 Oct Sax       I-72 Double Drm    I-82 Tramp>Sax
I-13 ff Piano      I-23 Vibraphone    I-33 Double EG     I-43 Synth Bass    I-53 Double Org2   I-63 Brass         I-73 Short Drm     I-83 Sax/Tp
I-14 Wide Piano    I-24 Hard Vib      I-34 Slap Bass     I-44 Choir         I-54 Soft Tp       I-64 Oct Brass     I-74 Fantasy       I-84 Multi-Set1
I-15 Double A. P   I-25 Setune Bell   I-35 DetuneBass    I-45 Oct Choir     I-55 Tp/Tromb      I-65 Double Brs    I-75 Brs + Str     I-85 Multi-Set2
I-16 Dtun Piano    I-26 Marimba       I-36 V-Sw Slap     I-46 Double Chr    I-56 Oct Tp/Trb    I-66 Flute         I-76 5th Br + Str  I-86 Multi-Set3
I-17 E. Piano      I-27 A.Guitar      I-37 Fing Bass     I-47 Strings       I-57 Sax           I-67 Dtn Flute     I-77 Choir + Str   I-87 Multi-Set4
I-18 Double E. P   I-28 Double A.G    I-38 Pick Bass     I-48 Double Str    I-58 Bright Sax    I-68 Shakuhachi    I-78 Thick Bell    I-88 Multi-Set5

a) Duplicate files on the Internet; D110ORIG.MID


U-20 Reader
This online utility reads U‑20 and U-220 Bulk Dump *.SYX files and displays a listing of all of the Patch and Timbre names. This can be useful for identifying specific sets to help organize your sound library. The cool thing is that you don't need to install any software. It's all done using Safari, Firefox, Chrome or whichever web browser you use. It's a new approach. This way, any computer can run the utility. Works with every browser except Internet Explorer (Not really an issue for most people. In fact, I'll call it a "feature")

Operating System: Any Computer With A Web Browser

Click Here ⇾  U-20 Reader

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