![]() My Favorite Eurorack PCB/Panel DIY Builds And Mods Remember... there's ALWAYS enough room for one more module in your rack! If not... buy another rack ![]()
Quad Decay A‑142‑4 (Doepfer) [8HP]
![]() Expander DIY This low cost DIY adds eight toggle switches onto a separate 4HP panel which enables you to switch between self‑oscillating or trigger mode and/or time delay ranges of 2ms/2sec or 20ms/20sec. This add‑on increases the flexibility of this already versatile module ![]() |
Radio Music & Chord Organ (Music Thing Modular) [4HP]
![]() Review + Free Sample Pack Downloads
This module is an easy build because all of the components are through‑hole. It is EXTREMELY cost effective when sourcing your own parts from mouser.com. As a bonus, new firmware now enables you to turn the Radio Music module into a completely different module... the Chord Organ. Instead of playing samples from the MicroSD card, it synthesizes chords Build Issues
If you are looking for some very weird and strange sample packs for your Radio Music module, there are more than 16GB of free samples w/CheatSheets at these links:
Illuminated RESET Switch Mod This is kind of a worthless and time consuming mod but I like the way it looks. There are four C&K illuminated switches available which have an LED inside. It can replace the regular RESET switch listed on the BOM. It looks great when you press it or when a RESET or STATION signal is sent to the module via those two CV jacks. There are two extra pins on the switch that need to be bent at a 90 degree angle, have jumper wires added and soldered onto the PCB. The positive LED lead of the new switch is wired to the positive lead of the existing activity LED and the negative LED lead is wired to any available ground node (see Figure H). Part numbers for the four illuminated switches are: Blue: D6RLBUF1 LFS Green: D6RLGNF1 LFS Red: D6RLRDF1 LFS White: D6RLWHF1 LFSHere is a video of the blue switch in action ![]()
![]() |
Quad Trapezoidal LFO BMC031 (Barton Musical Circuits) [8HP]
Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review ![]() Over time, this module turned out to be my #1 favorite BMC circuit. Since 2015, the designer has updated and fine tuned this circuit and now it works better than ever. The QTLFO is a very interesting module the way it feeds itself different envelope timing sequences. It's not what one would typically call a "random" setting but it certainly adds unpredictable patterns into the mix. It sends four trapezoidal CV outputs which are synchronized with each other. One output begins to rise when the previous output falls and reaches zero. After the fourth output reaches zero, the entire sequence cycles again and again. Each output has a separate knob to control rise and fall times. One use for this module could be to create some unique stereo (and even pseudo‑quadraphonic!) sound separation. I like to patch an output signal to the HARMONY CV Input on a Mutable Instrument PLAITS module. Mesmerizing Results! This module is a very low‑cost, low‑count component build. The components used are very common and excluding the PCB/Panel, the cost was less than $9(USD) when ordering from Tayda Electronics. The most expensive components are the four anti‑log potentiometers at 50¢ each! The build was very easy and assembly time is minimal. I have compiled some easy order BOM lists for Mouser and Tayda "Quick Order" webpages for a v2.0 PCB build ![]() The newest v2.0 PCB and raw panel is always at Barton Musical Circuits and a high quality Oscillosaurus Panel is at ModularAddict.com
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This module is similar to Oberheim's SEM filter and the mixer is inspired by Moog's CP3 module... also built with transistors which gives it a distinct sound. Although this is a labor intensive build, the end results are worth all of your efforts. My best advice for this build is to take a little time and do some research before you start building. If you focus too much on some of the earlier posts for the build discussions at modwiggler.com, you will be thoroughly confused because they deal with several different PCB versions. I definitely got lost because of "too many" suggestions. I found only a few posts which were actually relevant for my build (v1.4/Main Board + v1.3/Jack Board)
![]() Search for the phrase "Holy crap, this isn't hard" ![]() I'm really digging this module. I built two and am happy to report these make a good substitution for the Oberheim synth sound I've always craved but never owned. Here are some links with a good collection of demos: This video demonstrates a very cool effect similar to a track titled "905" on The Who's LP "Who Are You?". That track was played on one of the first multiphonic Polymoog synths way back in 1978. Another synth I've heard which comes close to this great effect is the Roland Super JX‑10/MKS‑70 - Patch G‑3: ROBODROID DELUXE 39 47 ![]() A very detailed overview and demo by DivKid ![]() A collection of audio demo clips. Check out "Bendy Bandpass"... oh yeah! ![]() The PCB/Panel set is usually out of stock everywhere but you can still buy a PCB/Panel set (or a fully assembled module) direct from the designer at manhattananalog.com |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review Thanks to this module, my life is Total Chaos! Of all the modules I own, Chaotica instantly moved to the #3 spot on my "Top 10 Module List" after building and hearing it. A phenomenal CV generator for complete mayhem! The one major drawback you need to be aware of is that if you purchase an older version v1.1 PCB, it will not fit in a majority of enclosed racks. The PCB is incredibly deep at a whopping 101mm (4 inches). The newer v2.0 PCB modules have been redesigned at only 60mm deep and will and fit in most enclosed racks. To accommodate the depth, I had to build my own open‑back case. Other than this major flaw on the older versions, this one is a Highly Recommended Build!
This module is somewhat difficult to purchase online. The full kit is always in stock at elby‑designs.com but these days, it's a little expensive to ship from Australia to the U.S.A. and elsewhere. Modular Addict used to keep this one in stock on a regular basis but I've not seen it around since early 2019 |
CGS10 Keyboard & Transposer (Tear Apart Tapes) [10HP]
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review I find this to be a very useful module for my music style (Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Ambient, etc...). Using the CV Out Jack and pressing buttons on the front panel during active sequences will transpose the riff up or down in a 16‑semitone range (one octave plus four‑semitones). This module also doubles as a keyboard which enables the operator to play one note at a time... great for sending triggers or percussive notes on the fly This is a very easy build with a low cost, low parts count. It has a combination of through‑hole and SMD parts, all of which are easy to solder in place because everything is spread out on the PCB. The only part I had trouble finding was the specialty Matrix Keyboard Scanner IC made by Fairchild - P/N: 74C922. This IC is available at Jameco Electronics but it is pricey at $11. This specialty IC is also available at Amazon and eBay in quantity at a lower cost. This IC is no longer made by Fairchild which is why it's so expensive these days. There are 16 Tact Switches required. I used 6mm x 6mm x 13mm tact switches available from Tayda Electronics (SKU: A‑5156). I also purchased the Jacks (SKU: A‑2563) and Potentiometer (SKU: A‑1851) from Tayda Electronics. I was able to source the remaining components from mouser.com. When you buy the PCB/Panel, a Xerox page is included with a Build Guide and BOM. Calibration was a breeze with the supplied instructions
I've put together a Mouser Cart BOM and also a detailed BOM in PDF format for downloading here ![]() ![]() * SPECIAL NOTE: The Mouser Cart does not contain all required parts for this build. Refer to the BOM PDF for Jack, Tact Switch, 74C922 IC & Potentiometer part numbers available from Tayda Electronics. The BOM PDF has a link to jameco.com where I purchased the 74C922 Matrix Keyboard Scanner IC. As always, when purchasing parts from Mouser, increase the quantities of resistors and capacitors to 10 or 100 for substantial savings Some of the pitfalls you will need to watch out for when building this one are:
As of October 2022, the PCB/Panel kits have long sold out. However, built modules show up from time to time at eBay and reverb.com |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This chaos generator is similar to Chaotica. I like Chaotica better than ChaQuO because there are more CV inputs which can make things extremely wild at times. ChaQuO is slightly different because it has a separate Quadrature Oscillator with extra outputs for Sin+ / Sin- / Cos+ / Cos- and these four signals can be used to supply a drive signal for the chaos generator section. The designer, Ian Fritz, sums up differences between the Chaotica and ChaQuO modules;
Thankfully, the new ChaQuO v2.0 PCB does not have the same issue as the v1.x Chaotica design... an extremely deep PCB. This one fits nicely into most cases and is only 55mm deep (compared to Chaotica which is 101mm). The clever design now being used on Elby v2.0 builds was somewhat tricky for me to figure out at first. Once I looked at all the documentation and the 3D PDF files, it started to make sense. There were no images of a completed module in the Build Guides anywhere so I've put together some notes and images which might make this build a little easier to complete
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review I was absolutely blown away by all of the amazing sounds I'm getting out of this module! Three IN's, four CV IN's, three OUT's and eleven knobs enable a large array of different "Waveslicing" audio options A Highly Recommended Build for many reasons:
The PCB/Panel set is out of stock everywhere but fully built modules at a good price will show up on eBay and reverb.com from time to time |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review I was able to easily source all the components from Tayda Electronics at a minimal cost of only $8 for everything. The PCB is extremely well made and easy to solder. The build guide is easy to follow and there are no surprises. As usual, the panel made by Oscillosaurus looks fantastic The things I would have changed with my build is to add sockets for the 1uF and 10uF electrolytic caps (Slew Control) and also for the 10K resistor. The build guide mentions that you can substitute different values at the 10K resistor location and I think it would also be interesting to alter the two electrolytic caps for experimentation I wish I had discovered the Barton DIY PCB's and Panels a long time ago. Barton DIY modules are some incredible value priced gadgets and the 4046 Waveshaper is no exception. The demo video made by Barton is OK but... I encourage you to watch this one made by MidiverseTV instead. It gets into some better sound details and shows the output on an oscilloscope ![]() The PCB is always at Barton Musical Circuits and the PCB/Panel set shows up in‑stock from time to time at ModularAddict.com |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This one is a great value‑priced, multi‑NOISE module with less than 45 components The four different noise sources (Blue, White, Pink & Brown) are quite interesting when used with a Sample & Hold module. They each produce unique random glitches. For years, I've been using the PGH Toolbox module to generate noise. It's nice to have these four different noise sources for a wider variety of randomness. Some of these noise sources are MUCH brighter than the solitary PGH Toolbox noise source
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review With more than 800+ solder connections and 300+ components, the Rampage PCB/Panel is a VERY labor intensive build. However, the payoff is totally worth the effort. The number of new features this single module can add to your rack is staggering... Burst Generator, Polyrhythmic Gate Generator, Ping‑Pong LFO, Dual Low Pass Filter, Voltage Controlled Trigger Delay, Peak Voltage Follower and Dual Slope Detector... just to name a few I've built more than 25+ different PCB/Panel kits but the Rampage is my first BEFACO project. I was really impressed with the quality double sided PCB's and the accurate/easy to follow assembly guide and BOM. Everything worked the first time when I powered‑up and I'm looking forward to building more BEFACO modules If you plan to source components yourself such as mini‑toggle switches, resistors, pots and LED's... be aware of the following for PCB v1.3.2 (and other PCB versions)
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review I'm crazy about this pØwr utility module from vpme.de. I think every Eurorack DIY'er needs one of these. This is very convenient when testing and calibrating new builds. Sure... you could have a ribbon cable sticking out the side of your rack instead but this module looks classy *PLUS* safety‑wise, the mini‑toggle switch keeps the 16‑pin header connector powered off when you're not using it This is a super easy build, a low‑cost PCB/Panel and requires less than $2 in parts!!! The oddball connector sandwiched in the middle was supplied with my panel. As mentioned in the build thread at Mod Wiggler, some inexpensive mini‑toggle switches with solder lugs are too big. For my inexpensive mini‑toggle switch, I had to use a Dremel tool and carefully file down the solder lugs and some red plastic before the oddball connector would mate flush with both panels. I would recommend buying the correct sized mini‑toggle switch with PCB pins to avoid the hassle. This module has been working overtime in my rack lately. Incredibly useful!!! As of February 2023 The PCB/Panel set is at ModularAddict.com |
Burst (Befaco) [8HP]
Kit Build Notes & Review Another Unique And Feature Packed Module From Befaco! (+Fast ▻▻▻ Slow Down) / (+Slow ▻▻▻ Speed Up) / 64 Triggers / Probability Knob... oh yeaaah! This one is a definite winner!!! I was really looking forward to getting this one built and in the rack. It produces some incredible patterns unlike any other modules I own. There are a couple of IN's and OUT's for a wide variety of control to sync other modules and/or receive CV's for mode changes
DivKid has a great operational overview at this link ![]() The Full DIY Kit is randomly in stock from time to time at DetroitModular.com and ModularAddict.com |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This module can really crank out some crazy noise and random outer‑space sound effects This is one of the more interesting noise generators I own and it's definitely a keeper. There are some extremely unique sound effects you can achieve once you start toying with the outputs on the I, IV, VIII and XI Noise Channels. The IC's and other components were inexpensive and easy to source. All IC's are priced less than 50¢ each. Note that for best results, the designer recommends using only Texas Instruments brand IC's for IC2, IC4, IC6, IC7 and IC8. Also, be aware that no additional parts are included for mounting the PCB onto the panel. You're on your own There is an additional 2x5 pin header on the back marked "XPAND". This is used to connect another Hexinverter module called Galilean Moons
The through hole build and off‑board wiring was very easy except for a few annoying hurdles with my Version 1.1 PCB:
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review I had one professor during my Electrical Engineering studies who spent three weeks of a Digital Microcircuits course explaining the logic of JK Flip‑Flops. After three weeks, the only person in the class who really understood how it worked was the professor! I feel like I'm back in school trying to wrap my head around this one. It's an excellent module for creating random, glitchy behavior. Using it with my Noise Reap VFD+ produces some amazing psychedelic cacophony and SciFi turbulence I've never heard before. This one is a definite keeper!
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This is a very useful 4‑Channel 1‑to‑3 Buffer. It also allows you to take a single input and replicate its output up to 12 individual jacks or any combination in‑between. Since this is an "Active" buffer, it has the advantage over a "Passive" buffer because there is no signal degradation. The circuit uses a TL074 Op‑Amp wired as a unity buffer. A utility distribution module like this one is a must for any Eurorack setup and I highly recommend this design. It will accept Audio or CV inputs. There are only 35 components to solder in place and one TL074 OpAmp which makes this a quick, easy and very inexpensive build Currently out of stock at most places but you can always find the PCB at Barton Musical Circuits. The super‑cool noir re‑panel made by Oscillosaurus is usually in stock at ModularAddict.com |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review I had this mini‑oscilloscope in my rack for more than a year. It never worked 100% after building it because there was a flat line for all readings less than 100ms. There was also a "T?" error showing at the bottom left of the screen. As suggested by some members at the modwigglers.com Forum, I resoldered R2, R4, D2 and checked for short circuits around the OpAmp. No results I finally got it working after cleaning the entire board with IPA to remove extremely small amounts of flux in‑between all components which are packed closely together (which is pretty much the entire board). I don't use extra flux for my builds but the flux core in the solder leaves very small traces and was apparently causing random short circuits. I had no idea. This certainly changes the way I will build my modules from now on Even though this build uses 80% SMD components, I was able to solder everything by hand using a fine tip iron and had no issues (other than the flux problem) Currently out of stock most places but this PCB/Panel set is sometimes at ModularAddict.com |
Auto Sequencer BMC022 (Barton Musical Circuits) [12HP]
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This is a unique step sequencer which programs its own sequences. I find it's very cool for creating percussive sequences on the fly and is great for performing live. It has a CLOCK IN jack to ensure everything is synced up with other modules. There is a selection of controls to help refine the sequences to your own tastes. It has a built‑in quantizer (Major, Minor, Major Pentatonic, Minor Pentatonic, Fifths, Chromatic) and the sequence length range is selectable from 1 to 256 pulses. There is no way of storing and recalling the sequences which it writes... it's an improviser. If you're interested in random composition, or if you're just tired of the hand cramps that come with programming traditional step sequencers, then this is a module you will find useful The build requires one MCP4921 Digital to Analog Converter IC which is a little pricey at $3 (USD). When you purchase the PCB, a pre‑programmed PIC16F689 FLASH chip is included so you won't need to worry about installing any firmware. All other components are common, low cost and easy to source at Tayda and Mouser The PCB w/PIC16F689 is always at Barton Musical Circuits and the PCB/PIC16F689/Panel set shows up in‑stock from time to time at ModularAddict.com |
Toggle Router BMC098 (Barton Musical Circuits) [12HP]
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review My newest favorite design from Barton is the Toggle Router with 25 sub‑miniature toggle switches. There are plenty of variations for making new sounds with this quick and easy build. It has many uses including a buffer, inverter, mixer and a differential amplifier. My favorite use is manipulating the audio inputs by mixing inverted signals together. When combining different inverted signals, the jumbled mess can produce some amazing sounds. As the designer says, "This module will create sounds you would not get by patching audio inputs normally". I'm having a ton of fun with this new module. There's always something cool to be found at the Barton Musical Circuits website! All of the components are common and easy to source. The PCB design is carefully mapped out to maximize space for the 25 sub‑miniature toggle switches. The switches are PC pin so soldering is quick and easy and there are no lugs which eliminates a lot of off‑board wiring The PCB and unfinished, pre‑drilled, raw panel are at Barton Musical Circuits |
![]() Panel/PCB Review I won't dwell on the Random*Source line of DIY modules for very long. My advice is to buy ALL of them because each one is high quality, feature packed and easy to build. This line is slightly more expensive than other DIY modules because a majority of their newer builds have all of the SMT/SMD components pre‑soldered on the PCB's. My favorites are the ÷N COM and Dual Universal Slope Generator ![]() Over the past three years, all sources for PCB/Panel and Full Kits have dried up and evaporated However, you can still buy assembled modules direct from Random*Source |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review Rich sounds are made possible by using the FM and Sub‑Octave switches which really take advantage of the legendary Curtis Oscillator IC found in the Roland SH‑101, MemoryMoog, Sequential Prophet 5 and Oberheim OB‑Xa. There are also plenty of CV inputs to mangle the sounds (FM, PWM, V/OCT). The Noise toggle switch adds a very nice option to give you that 1970's Synth/Mallet/Percussive combo feel (i.e. "Autobahn" by Kraftwork). I like to set the jumper on the back to "Hard Sync" and feed a complex audio signal into the SYNC input. This can create some interesting "Moog" style sounds. As the main ST‑Modular webpage states, you can get some "very rich sounding analog synth sounds" from this module This one is a 90% SMD/SMT build. The only through‑hole components on the PCB are the pots, jacks, trimmers, polystyrene capacitor and the custom CEM3340 Curtis VCO IC. Original CEM3340 IC's are difficult to find these days. When you do find them, they can be pricey. A company called Cool Audio makes the equivalent AS3340‑DIL 16‑pin DIP IC for only $6(USD). I used this Cool Audio IC and the sound is phenomenal! This build was slightly challenging for me because I'm lousy at working with those miniature 0603 sized SMD/SMT components. I prefer 0805 sized components instead so it did take longer than my usual builds Special Assembly Notes: 1) Polystyrene Capacitor - The 1.5nF polystyrene capacitor I used was a Xicon P/N: 23PS215. When soldering this component in place, I recommend using a slightly lower temperature than you normally would. This component is extremely sensitive to heat damage. The soldering temperature should remain below 260º Celsius (500º Fahrenheit) with a touch time limited to a maximum of only three seconds per leg. I always use a heat sink when soldering polystyrene capacitors, thermal fuses and other heat sensitive components. If you don't have one, it's a recommended and inexpensive item to keep in your toolkit. You can find them at Jameco and eBay 2) Calibration - Use a MIDI to CV converter and a tuner, set the Tune and/or Fine pot to reach C, play C1 and C2 alternately and check if it stays on C. Adjust the v/Oct trim pot on the front if it's off a bit. Repeat that for C2 and C3 and so on. Adjust high freq trim if you can't get higher octaves right. Adjust v/offset to reach the correct note. You may also use an oscilloscope or a multimeter in audio frequency mode and using a quantizer in octave mode to adjust frequencies of 100hz, 200hz etc. There are some YouTube videos about the calibration of DIY oscillators. It's always the same basically. Keep in mind to calibrate only after heating the oscillator up for about 20 minutes Sources are few for this one but PCB/Panel sets are currently at Pusherman |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes There are two ATtiny85 IC's which need firmware installed on them IC U1 = VCO Firmware (KASTLE_VCO_1_5.hex) The AVR 6‑pin header used for installing this file is labeled AVR_VCO IC U2 = LFO Firmware (KASTLE_LFO.hex) The AVR 6‑pin header used for installing this file is labeled AVR_LFO I have posted a one page firmware installation "CheatSheet" below which is simple and easy to follow. You will need some free software from ATMEL and an AVR Hardware Programmer. Don't panic! This extra gear is not that expensive and you will no doubt get hooked and be using this same programming hardware for future Eurorack builds such as GRIDS, LFOR, BRANCHES & more. I have purchased 20MHz ATtiny85 IC's from Mouser (P/N: 556‑ATTINY85‑20PU) and also from Tayda (SKU: A‑307). Both are working fine with my Euro Kastle modules and I can't tell any difference other than the price. Note that the same firmware files for v1.5 PCB's are also used for the new v2 PCB's ![]() ![]() Both LFO & VCO Firmware *.HEX Files ![]() A couple of things to note about operation:
Tina Aspiala created a useful operation guide for Euro Kastle v1.5. I have updated the guide and added features for Euro Kastle v2 operation ![]() Euro Kastle v3 PCB/Panel sets are currently at Pusherman |
Analog Drum BMC018 (Barton Musical Circuits) [8HP]
Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This module has a myriad of sounds and is one of my favorite "go‑to" modules for percussion. It is a very easy through‑hole build The build docs do not say much about one of the cool ways to wire it correctly and there are no diagrams showing how. The CV jack can be normalized to the OUT jack for some extra sounds & effects. The TIP lug on the OUT jack connects to OUT on the PCB and also to the SWITCH lug on the CV jack. This effectively turns the CV attenuator knob into a self‑frequency modulation control and adds interesting sounds & effects when no cable is plugged into the CV jack. The image in the build docs for the wiring is somewhat misleading. The OUT jack is actually shown in the wrong position on the panel as compared to all the panels, builds and demos I've seen on YouTube. The OUT jack always appears on the panel in the middle position but it is shown in the build docs on the bottom so be careful when you are wiring this one The image in Figure 1 shows proper wiring for how the CV jack is normalized to the OUT jack to achieve the extra sounds & effects MidiverseTV has a video demo at this link ![]() Note: This link skips two minutes of the build process The PCB is always at Barton Musical Circuits and the PCB/Panel set shows up in‑stock from time to time at ModularAddict.com |
Wave Pulse Animator BMC090 (Barton Musical Circuits) [6HP]
PCB Build Notes & Review ![]() This is a Highly Recommended build for producing unique harmonic content. It outputs a waveform with a section in the middle chopped out and has separate controls for the top and bottom edge of the chopped section of the waveform. These sections slightly overlap, so when set that nothing is being chopped, a positive offset instead of a negative offset is added in the middle of the waveform. There are two CV inputs and four pots for creating extra mayhem. This has a small footprint, a low parts count and is a super easy build using inexpensive components The PCB and pre‑drilled panel is at Barton Musical Circuits |
QTFD BMC082 (Barton Musical Circuits) [4HP]
- Quad Triangle Frequency Doubler - PCB Build Notes & Review ![]() What an amazing sound design in such a small footprint! A very low cost and low parts build. This is another Highly Recommended build for producing unique harmonic content. Lately, I've been using it with the outputs of a Mutable Plaits module for some interesting waveforms. My total investment for the Panel, PCB and all components was less than $24(USD) ![]() The PCB and unfinished, pre‑drilled, raw panel is at Barton Musical Circuits |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review One of my favorite CV generators. An extremely compact quad random voltage generator in only 2HP. It generates two different random stepped voltages per input each time a rising edge is sensed at TRIG1 or TRIG2. The inputs are independent so they can work at different clock speeds. TRIG2 can be normalized to TRIG1 using a jumper pad which makes it possible to get four random values with just one trigger. The voltage range of each output pair can be set as unipolar (0V to +5V) or bipolar (‑5V to +5V) by using jumper blocks on back of the PCB. You can set these jumpers so that two outputs are unipolar and two outputs are bipolar or make all four outputs the same. I have all the jumpers on mine set to bipolar so it will output the widest range of CV signals. This is an excellent companion for use with the Radio Music module. When the jumpers are set to unipolar and the output is connected to the START CV input of Radio Music, the random 0V to +5V signals do a perfect job of selecting a broad range of WAV sample playbacks There are only three SMD components you need to solder and the rest are all through hole (there are another twelve SMD components with small footprints but these have been pre‑soldered in place at the factory). This one is a very easy build. All components are inexpensive and easy to source. The exception would be the four oddball 24.9K resistors. I'm just guessing that you don't have this value in your parts kit ![]() When this was first released back in 2019, I was lucky to find a new PCB/Panel set for only $29(USD)!!! Unfortunately, the only ones to be found these days are pre‑assembled modules for $110(USD). PCB/Panel sets were available for a very short time at the Pusherman website. You can check the Transient Modules website for other vendors who will (hopefully) restock this PCB/Panel DIY set someday October 2022 Update: Pusherman has recently re‑stocked this PCB/Panel DIY set. The price has increased slightly to $33(USD) because this is a new Version 2 PCB but... it's still a bargain for this versatile build. So far, the only major difference I can see is a new Calibration SMD pad which is used to set the LED brightness at optimum levels. Get the new Version 2 PCB/Panel set while it lasts here |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review If this PCB/Panel set is buried deep down in your build queue... do yourself a favor and move it near the top right now! I should never have waited so long to build my Shelves. It was last in my build queue forever because the description of a "4‑Band Parametric EQ" never really appealed to me. It sounded boring. I figured if I wanted to have any EQ that it would be added downstream in the mixing phase. Holy Cow... was I ever wrong. This module is extremely versatile! The sonic palette is vast. There are no STM IC's and there is no firmware to install so it's a very straightforward build. However, there are several SMD IC's which can be intimidating because of their small footprints. Some 0603 SMD soldering skills are definitely required. The PCB is quite crowded and I found myself taking several breaks and spaced things out over two days Two things to make note of when ordering components are
Pusherman has two high‑quality panels to choose from. Be aware that panels I've seen from other vendors do not have the six extra Bandpass OUT jacks to accommodate the extra Expander PCB ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This is another one I should never have waited so long to build. This is a very large module at 34HP and takes a very L_ O_ N_ G_ time to solder everything in place. There are six SMD IC's with very fine pitch so this one is recommended only for those possessing advanced soldering skills. When installing the firmware on the STM IC, you can use my "CheatSheet" below. With a lengthy component list, this module is a little on the expensive side but... the PCB/Panel set available from Pusherman is quite inexpensive at only $27(USD). The black anodized panel from Antumbra is low priced and has a classy look. The shiny black panel from Magpie Modular is expensive but damn... it looks spectacular! I was impressed with the sonic landscapes this module offers. It's an excellent tool for re‑creating those mystical Tangerine Dream and ambient‑style sounds from the 1970's/1980's era. The price of a brand new Elements was $550 and you can find pre‑owned modules in the $350 to $450 range. It's still a popular module and has a high resell value ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This is an adaptation of the Buchla Model 295 10‑Channel Comb Filter Looks are deceiving. At first glance it looks like an ordinary Equalizer but it's much more than that. This Comb Filter adds a delayed version of a signal to itself causing constructive and destructive interference. The crazy sound filtering you can get out of this module is impressive!
You can listen to some Two Nine Five demos here ![]() The PCB/Panel set is at Pusherman and also ModularAddict.com |
LFOR (ST Modular) [4HP]
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes This is a module in my setup which gets a LOT of use. After using it for several songs, I found it was so versatile that I ended up buying two more. It is very compact at only 4HP but offers many features for such a small module. It sends out three voltages in Pulse, Triangle and Random shapes. It generates random patterns and random triggers and it's easy to manipulate using the three CV inputs of RATE, RESET & RANDOM. The Random Lock toggle switch adds a nice touch for creating repetitive random patterns. An oxymoron? Not really! This build was inexpensive and extremely easy with a very low parts count. I paid less than $35(USD) for the PCB, Panel and all components. Some of the components are very small 0603 SMD sized so it's recommended that you have some basic SMD soldering skills before attempting this build The PCB has an EEPROM IC on‑board which needs to have firmware installed but this is a fairly simple procedure. I was completely unfamiliar with installing firmware on a Eurorack module but figured it out right away. I have posted a one page instruction "CheatSheet" below which is simple and easy to follow. You will need some free software from ATMEL and an AVR Hardware Programmer. Don't panic! This extra gear is not that expensive and you will no doubt get hooked and be using this same programming hardware for future Eurorack builds such as GRIDS, EURO KASTLE, BRANCHES & more ![]() ![]() ![]() SPECIAL NOTE: The Mouser Cart does not include these parts which you can source from taydaelectronics.com or eBay (Quan: 6) Tayda SKU: A-2563 - PJ-3001F 3.5mm Mono Phone Jack (Quan: 1) Tayda SKU: A-1848 - 100K Ohm Linear Taper Potentiometer Round Shaft 9mm (Quan: 1) Tayda SKU: A-1851 - 100K Ohm Linear Taper Potentiometer Knurled Plastic Shaft 9mm (Quan: 1) Tayda SKU: A-4564 - Knob - Your Choice. I recommend one with a set‑screw such as the Davies 1900H (Quan: 1) Tayda SKU: A-5290 - Sub‑Mini Toggle Switch ON/OFF/ON (Note: Pin spacing for this switch is 2.54mm... much smaller than a normal mini‑toggle switch) The PCB/Panel set is at Pusherman | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PLAITS (Mutated / a.k.a Mutable) [12HP]
![]() Firmware Installation - Version 5 Mutated Plateaus 0603 PCB Installing the firmware on this module was quite different from others builds I have encountered. All of my other builds use a standard JTAG 6‑pin header or AVR ISP 6‑pin header to install the firmware. The Plaits PCB uses an SWD 4‑pin header. WTF?!? I was quite confused! It turns out the solution was much easier than anticipated. I was able to use my existing STM32 ST‑Link hardware programmer and a few jumper cables. In fact, this turned out to be one of my easiest firmware installs to date. My cheatsheet and wiring diagrams worked perfectly with the Modular Addict Version 5 Mutated Plateaus 0603 PCB. The same procedures should also work with the Pusherman and the Antumbra KNIT 0603 PCB's however, I have not tested those myself Not counting the Elements module, Plaits is my favorite design from Mutable. Just like its predecessor Braids, the choice of sonics covers everything from simple sine waves to complex L/R percussive sounds and everything in‑between. Unlike Braids, the extra CV inputs and mini‑pots add a variety of user control. If you want some strange and bizarre sounds, this module is an excellent choice ![]() ![]() ![]() Note: Although I really love this Plaits module and all of its amazing sounds and features, I can't say that I was thrilled while assembling this PCB. It was EXTREMELY difficult to solder IC4 in place (STM32F373CCT6). The next time I work with an STM32F373CCT6 IC, a USB microscope will be involved!!! Also, it was very difficult to determine where to place some of the resistors and capacitors. The silkscreen markings are quite ambiguous on the black Modular Addict PCB because there are no parallel lines to show component placement. The green Pusherman PCB is a little better but I still had to reference the *.BRD file from EAGLE CAD to determine which solder pads to use. I created my own high resolution B&W Resistor & Capacitor Placement Sheet from the *.BRD file. Print it and use when soldering components in place Bonus: Tangerine Dream fans will be interested in this patch. Every once in a while I will dial in a sound that blows my mind. This one sounds similar to the "PPG" style effects used on film soundtracks The Keep (Parallel Worlds, The Silver Seal), Flashpoint (Afternoon In The Desert), Wavelength (Running Through The Hills) and their amazing first live LP Ricochet. To me, this patch is mesmerizing ![]() The Mutated Plateaus 0603 PCB and matching anodized black aluminum Panel are at Pusherman |
SLOTHS (Nonlinear Circuits) [8HP]
![]() Modification: Changing It To A TORPOR x3 Module The standard Sloths module has three separate Sloth Chaos circuits and each one runs at a different rate
My style of music can't wait 30-40 minutes so I decided to turn my Triple Sloth module into three TORPORS. The modification is very easy by simply changing one potentiometer and some resistor and capacitor values. With help from Andrew at Nonlinear Circuits and member PnP Modular in the Nonlinearcircuits Builders Guild on Facebook, I have compiled a spreadsheet with the new quantities, component values and my build notes ![]() The PCB/Panel set is at Nonlinear Circuits |
SWITCHED RESISTOR VCF BMC034 (Barton Musical Circuits) [10HP]
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review This is one of my favorite filters. The module has two state‑variable filter sections which share a common frequency control and can be used in series for heavier filtering or in parallel to work with stereo sound sources. The Synth DIY Guy YouTube channel has a nice overview of module operation in this video. There are some MP3 examples in the BOM & Build Guide. There are also two videos on YouTube which show normal operation and an interesting mode showing how it is able to create formant vowel sounds This was a very easy build and with the exception of a solitary DG202 Quad Analog Switch IC, all of the components are common and inexpensive. Most vendors sell the DG202 at overinflated prices in the $13(USD) to $16(USD) price range. Don't let those vultures rip you off! Use the lowest cost DG202 from Mouser which is only $3(USD) (Mouser P/N: 781‑DG202BDJ‑E3). My total build cost for the PCB, Panel and all components was under $47(USD). You can't go wrong with this module. Heck... the cost of the PCB is only $8(USD) so if you don't need the fancy looking Oscillosaurus panel, that drops the total parts cost down to only $27(USD) Special Build Info: If for some reason you end up with an older v1.0 PCB, note in the BOM & Build Guide that you will need to perform a simple mod by running a jumper wire from a capacitor to the FMOD potentiometer Update: August 2022 The designer has an updated PCB for this project which improves response when using an external clock input. If you have already built this module using an older v1.0 PCB, I have created a PDF with images which shows how to easily update your v1.0 PCB to v1.1 specs by simply removing some resistors and adding some new ones ![]() The PCB is always at Barton Musical Circuits and the PCB/Panel set shows up in‑stock from time to time at ModularAddict.com |
CVpal (Mutated / a.k.a Mutable) [4HP]
![]() Errors When Installing Firmware I was unable to use the fancy commercial program ATMEL STUDIO to install firmware on my CVpal and the ATTINY84A EEPROM. I kept getting errors when trying to use the Mutable Instruments recommended settings for the Fuses and Lock Bits EFuse: 0xFF HFuse:0xD6 LFuse: 0xDE Lock Bit: 0x2F I eventually gave up trying to use ATMEL STUDIO and finally succeeded by using the command line program called avrdude Here are my notes showing how I finally made everything work ![]() The PCB/Panel set is at Pusherman |
Clouds (Mutated / a.k.a Mutable) [18HP]
![]() Installing Firmware - Version 3 Mutated "Chloe" PCB There's not much to say about this one. Basically, if you have a Eurorack skiff, this is a required module. Everyone needs to have a Clouds. The alternative Kammerl Beat‑Repeat firmware enables real‑time slicing, looping and a Spectral Clouds effect (a high‑resolution, auto‑modulated multi‑band filter). When sending audio to the inputs, "It slices, it dices, it makes julienne fries". It's really something special. The original three modes of the official Clouds firmware are still present and have not been modified. This is a highly recommended firmware upgrade. Also, North Coast Modular Collective offers an amazing re‑panel (in white or black versions) which match up with the firmware features for all of the new knob and button selections ![]() ![]() Notes About Installing Kammerl From My Experiences:
Here are some informative YouTube videos showcasing the Kammerl Beat-Repeat firmware: ![]() ![]() Bonus Info: The original BOM for Clouds uses a crappy plastic dual pot for the GAIN knob. That one wobbles and totally sucks. I can't stand using plastic pots so I replaced mine with a metal pot and rewired it for durability and a better experience. It takes some maneuvering to loop the new wires and place them in the trace holes but I am very satisfied with the results. A wiring diagram and replacement part number is shown in this image PCB's and Panels at Modular Addict, Magpie Modular, Pusherman and North Coast Modular Collective |
µGrids (Mutated / a.k.a Mutable) [8HP]
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes & Review From the Mutable Instruments website --
I found the µGrids Programming Guide by Casey Jones PDF was essential for a quality uGrids build. For me, these firmware installation tips were essential and I've used this same guide as an outline for some of my other Mutated/Mutable firmware installs ![]() Individual PCB's and Panels plus PCB/Panel sets are at Pusherman and custom high quality Panels are at MagpieModular.com |
EP‑420 CASE (Pittsburgh Modular) [420HP]
A High Quality 420HP Case This isn't a DIY build but I'm adding it here because it deserves a special recommendation. It's a monster sized case with a combined 17 Amps of clean, quiet power. Dollar for dollar, I think this case has the most economical price per HP on the market today plus, it has plenty of space for future expansion with 60 keyed ribbon cable headers. I'm very impressed with this solidly built behemoth. The bottom row is extremely deep at 152mm (6 inches) which is great for all of those long, oversized modules (Elby Designs, Doepfer, etc...). I found it was quite easy to remove the default square nuts and add my own (I prefer working with M2.5). Simply remove 6 screws and the entire 420HP vector rail assembly slides out as one solid piece for easy access. Pittsburgh Modular continuously makes innovative and high quality Eurorack gear. Detailed info is at Pittsburgh Modular This one is selling out fast but Sweetwater still has a few left as of April 2024 with Free Shipping and a Free Extended 2‑Year Warranty! ![]() ![]() Just when I thought it couldn't get any better... Pittsburgh Modular has released the Structure Core 420 add‑on case for the EP‑420. This companion piece adds an additional 420HP of skyscraper room on top of an existing EP‑420 case. Just like the EP‑420, the Core 420 has EMI filtering, 60 keyed power headers, fuse protection and output overload protection with auto‑recovery. The optional Mounting Bracket Kit is a must so don't forget to buy this from the PGH website. I've been trying to get Sweetwater to stock the mounting bracket kit but so far no luck. However, they do stock the Structure Core 420 which is a big relief because I always want that Free Shipping and Free Extended 2‑Year Warranty! ![]() ![]() I put together a webpage with some installation tips for attaching a Structure Core 420 on top of an EP‑420 here ![]() Some Eurorack Case Cost Comparisons (Sorted By Total HP Size) ==================== === ======= ============= ================================= ============================================== MAKE/MODEL HP COST/HP DEPTH PROS CONS ==================== === ======= ============= ================================= ============================================== TipTop Audio Mantis 208 $1.62 1.96" - 2.39" Very Low Price / Moderately Deep External PSU / Plastic Shell Doepfer A-100LC9 252 $1.86 Fixed @ 4.29" Low Price / Very Deep Very Thin Wood Shell / Unstained Plywood Arturia RackBrute 6U 176 $2.04 2.19" - 2.95" Sturdy Aluminum Shell / Deep PSU Is A Module & Not Built Into The Case PGH Core 420 (Plain) 420 $2.15 1.37" - 2.93" Thick Baltic Birch / Deep Not Portable If Attached To EP-420 / Unstained Cre8Audio Nifty Case 84 $2.37 Fixed @ 2.17" Built-in Converter Connections External PSU / Build Quality Issues Reported PGH Core 420 (Black) 420 $2.38 1.37" - 2.93" Thick Baltic Birch / Deep Not Portable If Attached To EP-420 Moog 104 Skiff 104 $2.40 1.73" - 1.88" Sturdy Aluminum Shell External PSU / Extremely Shallow Depth Make Noise 104 Skiff 104 $2.41 2.01" - 2.56" Sturdy Aluminum Shell / Deep External PSU / Shallow Depth Doepfer A-100PMS12 672 $2.73 Fixed @ 4.01" Sturdy Travel-Ready Shell / Deep Very Heavy @45 lbs. & Very Difficult To Move PGH EP-420 (Black) 420 $2.85 3.49" - 5.89" Thick Baltic Birch / Very Deep Heavy & Difficult To Move When Filled Intelligel Case-7U 208 $3.37 Fixed @ 2.69" Extra 1U Module Row / Audio Jacks External PSU / Very High Price ==================================================================================================================================== Notes: 1) The "COST/HP" ratio is based on the current prices from February 2024 and does not include any shipping fees or taxes 2) Some cases are larger than others. To equal an EP-420, you need five Cre8Audio Nifty cases (adds five extra wall warts!) 3) Pittsburgh Modular gets my vote for Best Overall Eurorack Cases because of their high quality build, features and price |
Pittsburgh Modular
"Analog Is Important" Pittsburgh Modular does not make any DIY products but I am placing them here to say that this outfit is my #1 absolute favorite Eurorack brand. They always have innovative and unique designs and are constantly developing new modules. It's always good to have some of their boutique gear in your collection. Their limited editions (usually set at only 200 modules) tend to sell out quickly. These turn into some real classic collector's items with a high resell value Check back from time to time and you'll find some new stuff at their store page. Be sure to check out their YouTube channel as well which contains a lot of useful Eurorack tips and tricks along with some spacey modular jams |
DIY Multi‑Bank Roland RAM Card (DoJoe)
![]() 16 Banks Of Patch Data On One Card! This DIY build is not Eurorack related but it's worth mentioning if you own some vintage Roland synths like the JV‑880, U‑20, GR‑1, D‑10/110, D‑50/550 and others. This amazing custom multi‑bank RAM card is a high quality item designed in Germany. It's the equivalent of having 16 Roland M‑256 RAM cards on one device. It has switches on top so you can easily choose between the 16 individual banks. There's no battery and everything is stored on an MRAM chip. It's possible to mix banks on one card so the ability to move this card between different model synths is convenient and a huge money saver. For the DIY crowd, there are some interesting modifications discussed in the User Manual to emulate PCM ROM cards or increase the bank sizes anywhere from 16 x 256Kbit, 8 x 512Kbit, 4 x 1Mbit, 2 x 2Mbit or 1 x 4Mbit simply by adding some solder bridges. I found the SMD components a little challenging at first (TSOP‑44, TSSOP‑14 and 0603) but after building six of these I was an expert. The designer of this multi‑bank RAM card has released the BOM and schematics into the DIY community for free! KiCAD PCB and Gerber files are at github ‑or‑ you can order PCB's from OSH Park and build your own for half the price of a brand new card. I have built six of these and they are all working great. The total cost including the PCB and all components was less than $55(USD). Purchasing the equivalent amount of 16 Roland M‑256 RAM cards on eBay is about $1,450(USD) so... do the math ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The next four modules (Grains / Mini Pops / Plancks MK2 / SPIN FV‑1) are included here so that others are able to get their builds working. Some of these were especially difficult to build and program with firmware. SPIN FV‑1 is up and running with the default FX but it's not quite there for adding your own custom FX... almost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Repair Notes I was unable to find any detailed documentation about installing the firmware for this module. This was way back in 2018 so I chucked it in a box and decided to work on it later. Two years later I finally got it working after finding a post on Facebook. After reading some posts from others who have never been able to make their module work, I decided to compile my notes which might help them The main problem I had was with the Arduino Nano board which was bundled in the Full DIY kit. It was un‑configured, blank, broken, brain dead or all of the above and it needed to have a special bootloader reflashed/repaired/installed before it would work. I'm not sure if this is by design of if there was a bad batch of boards from the factory. Just to make sure we don't get confused here, there are actually two Arduino boards being used in this repair process. The Arduino Uno Board which is used to repair the Arduino Nano board and the Arduino Nano board which is part of the actual Grains module assembly These are the steps I took to finally get my module up and running
![]() Figure 1
Model# Arduino UNO R3 MEGA328P A broken bootloader on the Nano board is (I think) what some current Grains owners are having issues with. There is a very good video inside the link below which covers the procedure for reflashing/repairing/installing a broken bootloader. Basically, you are connecting wires from the Uno Board to the Nano Board, rebuilding/repairing a new bootloader for the hardware and installing new bootloader EEPROM code. I would recommend skipping the first three steps in the YouTube video and start at Step #4 - Missing Arduino Bootloader After reflashing/repairing/installing the bootloader (as shown in the video link below), disconnect the Uno board from everything and plug a Type‑A to Mini‑B USB cable from your computer into the Nano Board on the Grains module. Run the Arduino IDE program and upload a new firmware file (there are several to choose from at the GinkoSynthese website) The settings I used from the Arduino IDE drop‑down menu to load new firmware (these must be done in order)
Note: If you are working on a Mac, you can probably ignore the section about USB drivers. Unless you are still working on a system with an older O/S, Mojave 10.14 or later (October 2018) already includes a CH34x USB driver by Apple. If both Apple's and the new OEM's drivers are installed, they will create conflicting non‑functional serial ports. If you are unable to select a valid serial port on a Mac or a PC then you may need to install these extra Serial Drivers after all (refer to the video link) ![]() Interesting side note: Someone ported Mini Pops firmware code and modified it to work with this Grains module. I have installed it on Grains and it sounds very cool. It's a little harder to manipulate than the original Mini Pops because there are no switches to turn individual instruments On/Off but it does have more advantages of being able to control the instruments, patterns and tempos by CV Inputs and/or Pots. This alternative firmware is at the EMast42 GitHub webpage |
Mini Pops (Old Crow Modular) [10HP]
![]() Panel/PCB Build Notes UPDATE: OCTOBER 2021 - BE ADVISED THAT OLD CROW MODULAR OFFERS ZERO SUPPORT AT ITS WEBSITE FOR THIS MODULE AND WILL NOT RESPOND TO ANY EMAIL REQUESTS. I have confirmed with another builder and he is getting the same terrible muffled and lackluster sound as I am. Something with this module is definitely off. Also, the MIDI input is not non‑functional because there is no code for this feature in the firmware. Bad design, bad firmware. I do not recommend purchasing this module with the firmware that's available and zero support from the designer If you already have the PCB/Panel, here's the scoop. The original Korg Mini Pops 7 is famous as one of the rhythm machines featured on Jean‑Michel Jarre LP's titled "OXYGENE", "EQUINOXE" and "THE CONCERTS IN CHINA". There is a detailed webpage about the original rhythm machine here I finally found a copy of the firmware and BOM from a source and was able to build the module. There was no build documentation and no firmware posted online anywhere and I had some requests for info about it from other builders. My build sounds nothing like an original Korg Mini Pops 7. The Audio Out is muffled and unpronounced. Also, the MIDI IN jack does not work and I see nothing in the firmware code to support any type of MIDI IN requests I have assembled some images and text files with my build docs, bootloader + firmware files, Mouser Cart, BOM and firmware installation instructions using an AVRISP MKII Programmer with Atmel Studio v7 ‑or‑ a TL866CS EPROM Burner with TL866A/CS Application Software. Both are for use on a Windows PC Abbreviations for instrument sounds on the panel might not be apparent at first glance. They are QU = Quijada CY = Cymbal MA = Maracas CW = Cow Bell CL = Claves BD = Bass Drum BG2 = Bongo GU = Guiro I found this build to be extremely challenging because
All of these files and images will all be placed in one *.ZIP file for easy downloading. Someday. For now, easier for me to update ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SPECIAL NOTE: You can source these parts from taydaelectronics.com (Quan: 3) SKU: A-2563 - PJ-3001F 3.5mm Mono Phone Jack (Quan: 2) SKU: A-1847 - 10K Ohm Linear Taper Potentiometer Round Shaft 9mm Search eBay for the sub-mini toggle switches and knobs Interesting side note: Someone ported Mini Pops firmware code and modified it to work with the GinkoSynthese Grains module. I have installed it on Grains and it sounds very cool. It's a little harder to manipulate than the original Mini Pops because there are no switches to turn individual instruments On/Off but it does have more advantages of being able to control the instruments, patterns and tempos by CV Inputs and/or Pots. Alternative firmware for Grains is at the EMast42 GitHub webpage |
Plancks MK2 - a.k.a. Frames (Jak Plugg) [8HP]
![]() Firmware Installation Notes I was a noob when I installed the firmware on this module so it wasn't very easy for me starting out from scratch. I have put together an instruction "CheatSheet" which should make installing firmware on this module easy for any beginner ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The PCB/Panel set is at Pusherman |
SPIN FV-1 (mxmxmx) [6HP]
![]() Firmware Installation Notes The designer of this module has a minimal build guide for this one. What an understatement. This was a very difficult build due to lack of documentation. The BOM is missing some parts and there is virtually zero info re: how to install the firmware for the internal ATtiny85 EEPROM or the external 24LC32A EEPROM. If you like a challenge... buy this PCB/Panel set. You won't be disappointed. I'm posting this here for anyone else struggling to get it working. I've been able to get the eight internal programs on the SPIN FV‑1 ROM working just fine but still have not been able to load any custom code into the external EEPROM. The code I was able to load on the internal EEPROM is very basic. The purpose of this code is to cycle through the eight FX programs contained on the SPIN FV‑1 ROM. I will update this page If/When I figure out how to send custom user code to the external ERPOM someday. It's working as‑is using the PRG button and it can access these eight FX programs 0 Chorus/Reverb 1 Flange/Reverb 2 Tremolo/reverb 3 Pitch/Shift 4 Pitch/Echo 5 Test 6 Reverb 1 7 Reverb 2The input jack labeled BL accepts CV signal inputs and will vary the amount of BLEND between a dry signal and the currently selected FX. The three CV inputs and three potentiometers labeled 1, 2 and 3 are non‑functional at the moment. My guess is these will only work if custom firmware is installed on the external EEPROM. Likewise, the BL CV input currently has no effect on any of the CV inputs 1, 2 or 3 Extra parts needed for this build not shown on the BOM are (1) 10uH Inductor - Mouser P/N: 810-MLF2012E100JTD25 (1) Tact Switch Cap - Mouser P/N: 642-1SS00-15.0 (this P/N is blue but is also available in green, grey, yellow, white, red or black) (1) 32.768KHz Crystal - Mouser P/N: 732-C002RX32.76K-EPB Items needed for installing firmware on the ATtiny85 EEPROM are
SPECIAL NOTE: Before you can use any of the internal programs in ROM, you will need to set a jumper for the 3‑pin header on the backside of the PCB. This position is shown on the silkscreen as a lower case "i" (See Figure A) ![]() PCB's and Panels at Pusherman ![]() ![]() |
Favorite DIY Tools And DIY Vendors
Tips For DIY Freaks Who Like To Save $$$. I picked this selection of gadgets and vendors because of the extremely LOW cost. I use everything shown here almost every day and highly recommend each one ![]() |
![]() 1) I buy a lot of broken synths on eBay and I'm able to fix about 90% of everything I find. It's usually a simple fix. If you have a synth with no power or intermittent problems after it warms up, it's probably due to the fact that back in the 1980's Roland and other synth makers used sub‑par solder and/or not enough solder to hold components in place. After 30+ years, the solder begins to break down and hairline fractures appear. This occurs at a higher rate for components which generate a lot of heat like Bridge Rectifiers, Power Transistors, large Electrolytic Capacitors, power input jacks and audio sockets which get a lot of use. The best approach is to use a magnifying glass and carefully inspect the backside of the circuit board. If you spot any suspect areas, re‑flow a hefty amount of NEW solder ![]() These MIDI interfaces have been tested and will work with large SysEx Dumps: ✓ Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 2nd Gen ✓ MOTU 823 mk3 ✓ RME FireFace UC 2X2 ✓ Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 2nd Gen ✓ ESI Midimate eX ✓ M-Audio Profire 2626 ✓ Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 3rd Gen ✓ Yamaha UX 16 USB/MIDI ✓ Tie Studio MIDI 1i1o ✓ Miditech MIDIface II Thru ✓ iConnectivity mioXC 1x1 ✓ Miditech MIDIface 4x4 ✓ ESI Midimate II ✓ iConnectivity mio 1x1 These MIDI interfaces are shit and do not work with large SysEx Dumps (some might w/special driver): ✗ AVID/M-Audio Fast Track Pro ✗ M-Audio MIDISport UNO ✗ M-Audio MIDISport 1x1 ✗ M-Audio Uno ✗ Lekato MIDI USB ✗ DigitalLife MIDI-C01 ✗ Fore MIDI Interface ✗ Hosa USM-422 MIDI ✗ M-Audio MIDISport 2X2 ✗ Hosongnic, HiFangeow, etc... |
Safety Precautions
Modifications made to any factory stock equipment will always pose an element of risk. Sometimes mistakes are made which are irreversible. Improper soldering and handling of electricity can cause serious injury and damage the synthesizer. Use caution when handling static sensitive devices and the PCB. Make sure you are properly grounded, working on a static‑free workbench or table and wearing eye protection during any soldering tasks. The author is not responsible for any damage or injury resulting from this DIY info. Use this DIY information at your own risk. And, I can't stress enough, the importance of wearing eye protection while soldering. That stuff flies everywhere sometimes!
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