Bullet What's New? Bullet

Alpha Juno‑1
Alpha Juno‑2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80
WWW Link MKS-50 / Alpha Juno / HS (SynthPlus) Reader v1.3 - This free online utility reads MKS-50, Alpha Juno and SynthPlus Bulk Dump *.SYX files and displays all 64 Tone names on screen. This can be useful for identifying specific sets to help organize your sound library. The cool thing is that you don't need to install any software. It's all done using Chrome, Firefox, Safari or whichever web browser you use. It's a new approach. Any O/S on any computer can run this utility. Works with every browser except Internet Explorer (not really an issue for most people)

     MKS50 / Alpha Juno Reader

Operating System: Any Computer With A Web Browser

MKS50 / Alpha Juno Reader
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80
WWW Link Alpha Juno, HS (SynthPlus) & MKS‑50 APR Tone SysEx Reader v1.0 - These free online utilities read Alpha Juno, HS (SynthPlus) & MKS‑50 APR *.SYX files and displays all of the Tone (and Patch) parameter values on screen. They are designed to facilitate the sharing of Tones (and Patches) between synth owners. These utilities read "All Parameters (APR)" *.SYX files from a computer hard drive and displays all parameters for a single Tone (or Patch) within a web browser. You may then copy, print or save the parameters as a document and easily share your new creations with other synth owners.The "Release Notes" contain example printouts and APR SysEx files to toy around with. The MKS‑50 has a different SysEx structure than the other four synths so it has it's own version

     MKS50 / Alpha Juno Reader   Alpha Juno & HS (SynthPlus) Version

     MKS50 / Alpha Juno Reader   MKS-50 Version

Operating System: Any Computer With A Web Browser

MKS50 / Alpha Juno Reader
Several WWW Link
SysEx Reader
SysEx File Verification Utility

This free utility reads SysEx files from 100+ synths and samplers. It will display The Op Code, identify the synth or sampler make and model and suggest a MIDI channel to use when loading. It's a handy utility to verify unknown SysEx files and/or enable "broken" SysEx files to load using the correct MIDI channel. The cool thing is that you don't need to install any software. It's all done using Safari, Firefox, Chrome or whichever web browser you use. It's a new approach. Any O/S on any computer can run this utility. Works with every browser except Internet Explorer (Not really an issue for most people. In fact, I'll call it a "feature")

     Download JX-Edit

Operating System: Any Computer With A Web Browser
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80
Mac Logo

Windows Logo

Linux Logo
CTRLR - This freeware utility lets you control any MIDI enabled hardware: Synthesizers, Drum Machines, Samplers, Effects, etc... Runs on Mac, Windows or Linux as standalone software or can be used as VST or AU plugins in your favorite DAW's. The program uses a collection of custom designed panels designed by users. Download the CTRLR program and the panel for your synth or create your own design. Several synths are currently supported including Roland MKS-50, Alpha Juno-1, Alpha Juno-2, MKS-70, JX-8P, MKS-80, Juno-106, Korg, Yamaha, Moog, Akai, Emu, Waldorf, and more.

One of my favorite panels is for the MKS-50 / Alpha Juno / SynthPlus and it works as an excellent software replacement for the PG-300 hardware programmer. This panel is a free download available from here and it works as good as it looks. I highly recommend this one as your main "go-to" software based Tone editor. Damn!... I love free software!


     Download CTRLR

Operating Systems: Mac / Windows / Linux
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80
Mac Logo Generic SysEx Loader For Mac

SYSEX LIBRARIAN - Freeware SysEx Loader/Librarian from Snoize Software

     Download CPJXWIN

Operating System: Mac OS X
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80
Windows Logo Generic SysEx Loader For Windows

SEND SX - Shareware SysEx Loader from Bome Software

     Download Bome Send SX Freeware

Operating System: Windows
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80
Atari Logo MKS-50Edit - This is a freeware program I wrote way, Way, WAY back in 1987 using PASCAL programming language. It has a lot of excellent features including the "RaNdOmIzEr" which lets you mask out certain parameters to generate new Tones based on your preferences. I keep this online only as a legacy file for brave composers who still use classic Atari hardware Smiley
  • Point, click, and drag envelope settings w/sound testing on same screen
  • Tone editor and sound testing on the same screen
  • Patch editor for all MIDI functions and sound testing on the same screen
  • Randomize Tones with selectable mask settings
  • Sound testing of entire MKS-50 key range from C0 to C8 w/velocities
  • Tone or Patch parameter listing to printer
  • Works with all five synths: MKS-50, Alpha Juno-1, Alpha Juno-2, HS-10 and HS-80
  • Freeware!
     Download Atari MKS-50 Editor

Operating System: Atari ST


Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80


Patch Sheets For MKS-50, Alpha Juno and SynthPlus From The Roland Users Group Magazine

A collection of scans featuring MKS‑50 and Alpha Juno‑1 & 2 Patches. These are from the late 80's, early 90's RUG Magazine which used to have parameter settings listed for new Patches and Tones for the MKS‑50 and Alpha Juno‑1 & 2 and other synths each month. Also included are Questions and Answers Columns. I always looked forward to every new issue to see what was on the Patches Page and then program them into my synths. A great collection of sounds

     RUG Patches

File Format: Zip file containing several JPEG + GIF Images
Several ZIP


RUG Patch Sheets For Other Synths

Another collection of Patch Sheets featuring the D‑5, D‑10, D‑20, D‑50, D‑70, D‑110, DDR‑30, GK‑1, GM‑70, GP‑8, JD‑800, JD‑990, JX‑3P, JX‑10, ME‑5, MKS‑20, MKS‑70, MKS‑80, MK‑80, MPD‑4, S‑50, TR‑505/707/808, U‑20, Roland Checksum Info plus Questions and Answers Columns. A giant collection of sounds

     RUG Patches

File Format: Zip file containing several JPEG + GIF Images
Several PDF
"Ghost In The Machine - Part 1 & Part 2"

Two articles from the May 1989 and July 1989 editions of Electronic Musician Magazine titled "Ghost In The Machine". These articles discuss test routines inside synths and samplers which might help save you a trip to the repair shop. Some of the other brands featured besides Roland are Yamaha, Oberheim, Kawai, Ensoniq & Korg


File Format: PDF Document
Several ZIP

Roland Service Sheets
Service Information Sheets For Roland Engineers
Reports and instructions on how to fix Alpha Juno‑1 and Alpha Juno‑2 bugs

     EM - 1987

File Format: Zip file w/GIF Images (Source:
Alpha Juno-2 PDF Logo M-64C / M-16C Cartridge Instruction Sheet + High Resolution Schematics
MKS-70 Reference Cards

This is the insert sheet included with the purchase of a new cartridge

     Download M-64C Sheet

File Format: PDF Document
Several WWW Link Roland Spare Parts Cross Reference

I've compiled a small cross reference chart which is useful for matching duplicate spare parts on Roland synths and samplers. I use this list to find spares on broken equipment bargains found at eBay auctions. I just bought an S‑220 for $25 which has enough spare parts for 19 different Roland synths and samplers. Gotta love eBay ANIMATED_SMILE

     Download Super JX M-64C Sheet

File Format: Web-page Link
PDF MKS-50 Gatefold From 1987
Ridiculously high-rez scans of the original Roland sales brochure @300dpi

MKS - 1987

     MKS - 1987

File Format: PDF Document - 15MB
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
PDF Alpha Juno-1 And Alpha Juno-2 Gatefold From 1986
Scans of the original Roland sales brochure

MKS - 1987

     Alpha Juno - 1986

File Format: PDF Document
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
PDF Logo Alpha Juno‑1 & Alpha Juno‑2 Control Jack Templates

I designed some templates for the Alpha Juno‑1, Alpha Juno‑2, JX‑10, U‑20, W‑30 and S‑50 after being frustrated time and time again by having to move my keyboards away from the wall to locate where certain audio and control jacks are located. This makes it easier to plug cables in and out without having to always face the back of the synth... or use a mirror. There are four template variations with different fonts and color schemes


     MKS-70 Battery Replacement Guide

File Format: PDF Document
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
+ many more
Adobe Logo
Serial Number Decoding Chart

Find the production number of your MKS‑50, Alpha Juno‑1, Alpha Juno‑2, HS‑10 or HS‑80 and the exact date your synth rolled off the assembly line. Now you can have a birthday party for it every year. These charts will also work with other Roland synths, samplers and miscellaneous gadgets like Boss pedals, MicroSeries effects, Sequencers and MPU cards

    SUPER JX S/N Decoder_1972-1989.pdf
         Manuf. JUL1972 to DEC1989

    SUPER JX S/N Decoder_1989-2010.pdf
         Manuf. MAR1989 to DEC2010

     Serial Decoding Chart

File Format: PDF Document
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80
Adobe Illustrator MKS-50 / Alpha Juno / SynthPlus High-Rez Vector Art
Logos - Adobe Illustrator is required to use these files

MKS Vector Art Icon
     Alpha Juno - 1986

File Format: Adobe Illustrator CS5 / CS6
MKS-50 PDF_Icon
MKS-50 Blank Patch & Tone Parameter Worksheets
Blank template sheets for writing down your Patches and Tones


File Format: PDF Document
Alpha Juno-1
SynthPlus 10

Alpha Juno-1 / HS-10 Blank Tone Parameter Worksheets
Blank template sheets for writing down your Tones

     Alpha Juno-1

File Format: PDF Document
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 80
Alpha Juno-2 / HS-80 Blank Tone Parameter Worksheets
Blank template sheets for writing down your Tones

     Alpha Juno-2

File Format: PDF Document
Alpha Juno-1
Alpha Juno-2
SynthPlus 10
SynthPlus 80
WWW Link Internal Battery Replacement DIY
If you are experienced with a soldering iron and know what ESD is, this is for you. These instructions are geared towards the MKS-50 but the same general instructions also apply to the Alpha Juno and SynthPlus

     MKS-50 Battery Replacement Guide

File Format: Web-page Link

If you find some of this DIY info useful, please consider donating a small amount. All donations are used for future DIY synth and sampler development. Thanks! SUPER-JX ZONE

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