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![]() Loading AKAI CD‑ROM's On Roland S-760 And SP-700 Samplers The S‑760 and SP‑700 are the only Roland S‑Series samplers which have the ability to load AKAI S1000 and S1100 library format CD‑ROM's. This greatly expands the capabilities of these two samplers because the AKAI library of CD‑ROM's is gigantic. The one drawback to loading AKAI CD‑ROM's is that it takes a long time to load samples because of the "Convert Load" process. I highly recommend using a CD mechanism faster than 1x or 2x speed. Why? Older 1x and 2x speed CD‑ROM's will take forever and a day to load AKAI formatted samples
NOTE: "Convert Loading" an AKAI sample can take up to 8x longer than loading a native Roland sample file
See the Roland SCSI CD‑ROM Compatibility Matrix webpage for faster speed CD‑ROM brands such as Nakamichi, LaCie & Plextor. If you are using a SCSI2SD, RaSCSI, PiSCSI, ZuluSCSI or other virtual CD‑ROM device, the hardware drivers built into these will compensate and deliver the maximum load speed. However... it's still quite slow because of the 1990's O/S architecture. It is also important to know that S‑760 and SP‑700 samplers can load AKAI S1000/S1100 CD‑ROM *.ISO files but are unable to load AKAI S3000 CD‑ROM *.ISO files (see the NOTES section at the bottom of this page) ✓ It's best to have a color monitor connected to the S‑760
≡ This is so you can see the menus shown in the examples below ≡
Here are some useful tips for using the mouse to quickly sort through long sample lists
SP-700 PROCEDURE See page Disk-33 of the "SP‑700 Owner's Manual" for using the Convert Load command It is very important to ensure the Load While Playing setting = OFF when reading AKAI CD‑ROM's ✓ This will greatly speed up the Convert Load process (See page Sys‑4 of the "SP‑700 Owner's Manual") NOTES ❖ All CD‑ROM's in Roland proprietary format contain a special string at the beginning of each disc which contains the Volume Name and other identifying info. AKAI CD‑ROM's are formatted differently so when an S‑760 or SP‑700 tries to view this special ID string, the sampler O/S will only see a bunch of garbage characters. Even though there is valid sampler data elsewhere on the CD‑ROM, the O/S flags it as a non‑Roland CD‑ROM and reports it as "UNFORMATTED". This is normal behavior and is not an error when using AKAI S1000/S1100 CD‑ROM's with an S‑760 or SP‑700 ❖ I created an online utility that checks AKAI CD-ROM *.ISO files to determine if they are in S1000/S1100 or S3000 CD‑ROM format. This is useful because Roland S‑760 and SP‑700 samplers are able to "Convert Load" AKAI S1000/S1100 CD‑ROM *.ISO files but are not able to load AKAI S3000 CD‑ROM *.ISO files. The utility is available at this link and it's also able to read an *.ISO file and determine if it is compatible with an S‑550 or a W‑30
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