Roland W‑30 Jog Wheel & Encoder Replacements

ENCODER        ENCODER                                                ENCODER        ENCODER

Roland, Roland, Roland. Ugh! Some of their products are phenomenal, solidly built and perfectly designed. Others are well... hmmm... what can I say? I really like my W‑30, but the durability factor of the jog wheel and rotary encoder is total crap. The D‑shaft on the encoder and the jog wheel are both made of plastic. Yuck! The only good news about the W‑30 encoder is that it's a 24‑detent style which makes it easy to source a replacement (kind of)

W‑30 Cursor and Value Jog Wheels
Over the years, I have seen several posts online from W‑30 owners who are searching for replacement jog wheels. These jog wheels break easily because they are made of extremely thin plastic. Also, because of a loose fit, they have a tendency to fall off the encoder D‑Shaft and are lost or broken. The only known source for original jog wheels is to get some used ones from a cannibalized W‑30. Not a very cost effective method

Alternative Wheels
For W‑30 owners in search of replacement wheels and encoders, I've put together a list of my experiments, some alternative wheels and how to buy replacement wheels and encoders. Pictured below are four methods I used to replace the W‑30 jog wheels and rotary encoders with Solid Aluminum, Eagle "Stealth" and Boss‑style DIY wheels. These all have a set‑screw so attaching them to the rotary encoder flatted shaft ensures they won't fall off or wobble. Just like any mods done on the W‑30, it's a real bitch because for wheels with a set‑screw, the sampler needs to be completely taken apart... as in ! Completely ! The good news is that the Boss‑style wheels are very inexpensive and look great. The downside is that some wheels lack the tiny 4mm bump on top which helps to speed up wheel turns. The solid aluminum wheel is an exception. It has a nice indentation for your index finger which makes it a "real" jog wheel. A few of the alternate wheels somewhat take away the sleek look of the original sampler design. Another bummer about these is that some are not tall enough so new rotary encoders with longer flatted shafts need to be installed. Don't panic! These replacement rotary encoders are dirt cheap. With the exception of disassembling the case, adding these replacement encoders and alternative wheels is quite easy. I decided to go with the Solid Aluminum wheels because they closely match the original wheels, they look awesome and they have the indentation. The Eagle "Stealth" wheel has an advantage over the others because the small diameter knob speeds up cursor movement and value changes. No matter which wheel you choose, all of these new rotary encoders have a great response and a nice tactile feel as compared to the original encoders, probably due to being worn‑out from old age. Another nice feature is these new encoders have a solid aluminum shaft... not plastic like the original factory encoders

W‑30 Rotary Encoder Replacements
I was relieved to find that replacement encoders for the W‑30 are very inexpensive at less than $3 for a pair. When was the last time you saw the price of an encoder was less than the price of the wheel on top? That's the kind of DIY price I really like! There's no need to pay $25 to the vultures on eBay. W‑30 replacement encoders can be found at Mouser, Digi‑Key, Farnel and other electronic parts vendors. There are several encoders in the same series so make sure you get the right one. Some have switches, some don't have the required bushing with threaded nut, some are the wrong Pulses Per Rotation (PPR) and some have a really long shaft. However... having a really long shaft doesn't sound like much of a problem, does it? ;^)

Here's a breakdown of some of the different rotary encoder replacements as they match up with original and alternate wheels

 Rotary Encoder For Solid Aluminum Wheel
 Bourns P/N: PEC11R-4225F-N0024
         25mm Flatted Shaft
         24 Detents
         24 PPR
         Panel mount bushing with threaded nut

Notes: This black anodized solid aluminum CNC machined wheel is the Ferrari of all other W‑30 jog wheels. If you love your W‑30 as much as I do, you know this one belongs on it. It has an indentation for your index finger which helps to speed up wheel movement and it's a real joy to use. This one is the same height and width as the original jog wheel, minus the D‑shaft stem. I use these on my W‑30 because they have a much better feel than the originals. Nice, solid and HEAVY. This wheel has a 1.5mm hex set‑screw which ensures that it won't wobble and it won't fall off (A hex set‑screw wrench was included in the box). You can find these wheels from various vendors on eBay anywhere from $3 to $7 (USD). Search for "32mm 13mm Black Aluminum Knob". Make sure the ones you buy have a hex set‑screw. The ones selling for less than $3 will not work

When installing this encoder, You will need to use (2) metal washers as mentioned in the installation notes below. This is optional if you want it to sit slightly higher than the original wheel. Either way looks great. The wiring for this encoder is the same as all the other Bourns encoders shown on this page.
Pins A, B & C need to be wired differently from the original Roland encoder as shown in the wiring diagram below in Figure 1

click to see what it looks like on the W‑30)

   ⚆ Indentation for speedy wheel turning
   ⚆ It has a set‑screw which prevents wobble
   ⚆ Solid Aluminum = Solid Feel + Durability
   ⚆ Looks much better than the original wheel!

   ⚆ A new encoder needs to be installed
   ⚆ Pricey $$$!


 Rotary Encoder For Eagle "Stealth" Wheel
 Bourns P/N: PEC11R-4225F-N0024
         25mm Flatted Shaft
         24 Detents
         24 PPR
         Panel mount bushing with threaded nut

Notes: The "Stealth" Wheel P/N: 45KN025‑GRX is a great alternative to the original jog wheel because it has a smaller diameter knob. This makes it easier to grip and also enables faster wheel turns. The top part of the knob is 24mm and the skirt is 32mm. Using the encoder shown here, it sits below the top of the case and looks kind of funky because there is a small gap above it. Even though it looks a little "off", It still has a cool "stealthy" look to it because it's recessed. This wheel has a set‑screw which ensures that it won't wobble and it won't fall off. When installing this encoder, do not use a metal washer as mentioned in the installation notes below. The wiring for this encoder is the same as all the other Bourns encoders shown on this page. Pins A, B & C need to be wired differently from the original Roland encoder as shown in the wiring diagram below in Figure 1

click to see what it looks like on the W‑30)

   ⚆ Smaller diameter for speedy value changes
   ⚆ It has a set‑screw which prevents wobble
   ⚆ Made of durable phenolic resin

   ⚆ A new encoder needs to be installed
   ⚆ Looks a little funky because it sits below the case top
   ⚆ No 4mm bump on top like the original wheels


 Rotary Encoder For Boss‑style Wheel
 Bourns P/N: PEC11R-4225F-N0024
         25mm Flatted Shaft
         24 Detents
         24 PPR
         Panel mount bushing with threaded nut

Notes: The Tayda Boss‑style Wheel SKU: A-2908 is a nice alternative wheel because it has a set‑screw which ensures that it won't wobble and it won't fall off. This wheel is also recessed below the top of the case but it isn't nearly as obvious as the Eagle "Stealth" Wheel. Even though this is the least expensive wheel of the bunch, it still looks very sharp and has a solid feel to it because it's made of Bakelite™ plastic. Tayda sells two sizes of this model so ensure you get the one for use with a 6mm shaft. Do No Not use a metal washer as mentioned in the installation notes below. The wiring for this encoder is the same as all the other Bourns encoders shown on this page. Pins A, B & C need to be wired differently from the original Roland encoder as shown in the wiring diagram below in Figure 1

        ENCODER      ENCODER
click to see what it looks like on the W‑30)

   ⚆ Very inexpensive!
   ⚆ Has a set‑screw which prevents wobble
   ⚆ Made of durable Bakelite™ plastic and looks great

   ⚆ A new encoder needs to be installed
   ⚆ Looks a little funky because it sits below the case top
   ⚆ No 4mm bump on top like the original wheels


 Rotary Encoder For The Original Factory Jog Wheel
 Bourns P/N: PEC11R-4215F-N0024
         15mm Flatted Shaft
         24 Detents
         24 PPR
         Panel mount bushing with threaded nut

Notes: When installing this encoder, You will need to use (one) metal washer as mentioned in the installation notes below. This ensures the height of the original Roland jog wheel is the same as before. The wiring for this encoder is the same as all the other Bourns encoders shown on this page. Pins A, B & C need to be wired differently from the original Roland encoder as shown in the wiring diagram below in Figure 1


   ⚆ 4mm bump on top

   ⚆ Wobbles
   ⚆ Plastic D‑Shaft is easily broken
   ⚆ No set screw
   ⚆ Falls off easily

Installation Instructions
  • To use replacement encoders with the Original Factory Jog Wheels, place a 2mm tall metal washer on the bottom side of the mounting plate to ensure the height of the jog wheel is the same as before

  • To use Solid Aluminum Custom Jog Wheels, place two 2mm tall metal washers on the bottom side of the mounting plate to ensure the height of the jog wheel is the same as before

  • The A, B and C pins on the original encoders are WIRED DIFFERENTLY from the new Bourns encoders. Unsolder the wire assembly from the original jog wheels and connect it using the reference images below in Figure 1 and Figure 3. If you bend the pins flat before soldering as I did, use care because they can easily break off

  • When attaching the encoders to the mounting plate, try to center the shaft as close to the middle as possible before tightening the bushing nut. Before closing the case, make sure the wheels don't rub against the side of the case. You may need to maneuver the mounting board a couple times to find the sweet spot
Hopefully, Roland used the same color wiring harness on all W‑30's!!! If not, you can cross reference by using the CN11 connector shown below. Good luck and remember to take precautions against static electricity when you open up your W‑30! Spare W‑30parts are nearly impossible to find these days!

Figure 1 (click for larger image)

Figure 2 (click for larger image)
Figure 3 (click for larger image)

The Quick & Easy Way

I've designed a replacement encoder board which is "almost" a drop‑in solution. This new PCB uses the existing connector and wiring harness on the sampler. Simply solder the old encoder board wires onto this new PCB, solder the new encoder in place and attach the pair of PCB's to the sampler chassis. I've set the price with zero markup costs. The PCB Ships anywhere in the USA for FREE. Shipping is also FREE outside of the USA but some countries may have customs and handling fees added onto the final price. My investment costs in producing the PCB is zero... only my design time. You can order the PCB from OSH Park at a minimal cost here

(Note: Because these are so small, OSHPark needs to sell a minimum of three PCB's at a time. The price works out to about $1 per PCB. Still a bargain! Especially if you have more than one W‑30)
  •   When using Custom Solid Aluminum Jog Wheels, use Bourns encoder P/N: PEC11R-4225F-N0024
  •   When using Original Factory W-30 Jog Wheels, use Bourns encoder P/N: PEC11R-4215F-N0024


S-50_S-550_ZONE            S-50_S-550_ZONE

Miscellaneous Info
Original Roland Jog Wheel
           Roland P/N: 22483186
                    ⚆ 32mm  -  A
                    ⚆ 13mm  -  B
                    ⚆   4mm  -  C

Original Roland Encoder
         ⚈ Roland P/N: 22483186
          Manufacturer Silkscreen P/N: M24B9D1 


If you bought your W‑30 used, you may not know that there was originally a felt disc installed under each jog wheel. These felt discs may have been lost over time or disintegrated with age. Their main purpose is to mask the bright metal plate underneath so the gap between the wheel and the case looks black and it also keeps out dust. Each disc has a 41mm diameter and is wafer thin

Here's a look at the inside of an original W‑30 encoder. Note that pins A, B and C do not follow the same pin assignments as all the other encoders shown on this webpage

Original W-30 Encoder:   PPR = 24   Detents = 24   Shaft = 25 mm (From Top To Base)

Bourns Replacement Encoder:   PPR = 24   Detents = 24   Shaft = 21 mm (From Top To Base)

An excellent $2 encoder DIY replacement for the Super JX‑10 and MKS‑70 is at

Another $2 encoder DIY for the Alpha Juno‑1, Alpha Juno‑2, HS‑10, HS‑80 and S‑10 synths is available at this link

If you have questions about other Roland synth and sampler encoder equivalents or replacements, check this link

Safety Precautions and Disclaimer
Modifications made to any factory stock equipment will always pose an element of risk. Sometimes mistakes are made which are irreversible. Improper soldering and handling of electricity can cause serious injury and damage the synthesizer. Use caution when handling static sensitive devices and the PCB. Make sure you are properly grounded, working on a static‑free workbench or table and wearing eye protection during any soldering tasks. The author is not responsible for any damage or injury resulting from this DIY info. Use this DIY information at your own risk. And, I can't stress enough, the importance of wearing eye protection while soldering. That stuff flies everywhere sometimes!

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