Utilities To Organize Patch, Tone And Sample Libraries
None Of These Web Browser Utilities Require Any Software To Be Installed
And Work With FireFox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Edge + Others
S-50_S-550_S-330_W-30     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  S-50, S-330, S-550, W-30 Floppy Disk Image File Reader
          This updated version has extended capabilities to also read *.ISO & *.IMG CD‑ROM files
S-7xx     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Roland S-750, S-760, S-770, DJ-70, DJ-70MKII Floppy Disk Image File Reader
          Displays FDD image info (1 Volume, 64 Performances, 128 Patches, 256 Partials, and 512 Samples)
D-10     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Roland D-10 Patch & Tone Reader
          Reads Bulk Dump *.SYX files and displays 128 internal Patch names plus 64 internal Tone names
D-110     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Roland D-110 Patch & Tone Reader
          Reads Bulk Dump *.SYX files and displays 64 internal Patch names plus 64 internal Tone names
SUPER JX     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Roland Super JX-10, MKS-70 Patch & Tone Reader
          This version will only work with original factory stock Super JX-10 or MKS-70 ROM's
SUPER_JX_VECOVEN     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Vecoven PWM 4.xx Roland Super JX-10, MKS-70 Patch & Tone Reader
          This version works exclusively with Vecoven PWM 4.xx ROM's
MKS-50_ALPHA_JUNO_HS     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Roland MKS-50, Alpha Juno, SynthPlus, HS Tone SysEx Reader
          Reads Bulk Dump *.SYX files and displays all 64 internal Tone names on the screen
ALPHA_JUNO_HS_APR     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Alpha Juno, SynthPlus And HS APR Tone SysEx Reader
          Reads All Parameter (APR) *.SYX files and displays all 36 Tone parameters for a single Tone
MKS-50_APR     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  MKS-50 APR Tone And Patch SysEx Reader
          Reads All Parameter (APR) *.SYX files and displays 36 Tone, 18 Patch plus 6 Chord parameters
U-20_U-220     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Roland U-20, U-220 Patch & Tone Reader
          Reads Bulk Dump *.SYX files and displays 64 internal Patch names plus 128 internal Timbre names
FB-01     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  FB-01 Patch SysEx Reader
          Displays Voice Bank Number, Patch Number and all 48 Patch Names from a MIDI Bulk Data Dump file
          Reads Bulk Dump *.SYX files and displays 32 internal Preset names
VICTOR     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Behringer Victor Preset Reader
          Reads Bulk Dump *.SYX files and displays 32 internal Preset names
PRO-800     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Behringer PRO-800 Preset Reader
          (Link is active and working. However, still waiting for a Behringer firmware update for 100% compatibility)
AKAI_S1000/S1100/S3000_OR_ROLAND     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  AKAI S1000/S1100, S3000 Or Roland CD‑ROM?
          Checks for Roland S-760/SP-700 compatibility of AKAI CD-ROM *.ISO files
LOADING_AKAI_CD‑ROMs     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  Loading AKAI CD‑ROM's On Roland S-760 And SP-700 Samplers
          A detailed info page showing how to "Convert Load" AKAI S1000 & S1100 CD‑ROM's
SYSEX_READER     YELLOW_ARROW_ICON  SysEx File Verification Utility
          This useful utility reads SysEx files from 100+ synths and samplers. Helps identify unknown SysEx files

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